Bio Quantum Academy ™
Bio Quantum Academy

The Endocannabinoid System and Homeostasis

Course Instructor

Dr. Ference Karacsony is a medical doctor and a pediatrician. He is an endo-cannabinologist and an experiential expert with an honorary examiner of neural therapy and detoxification methods honoris causa. He graduated in general medicine in 1986, and in 1991 I graduated in pediatrics. From 1980, in parallel with his university studies, he started practicing folk and complementary medicine. He graduated from several professional colleges, autogenous training …

Dr. Ferenc Karácsony

Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

The Endocannabinoid System and Homeostasis

Course Presented by Department of Naturotherapy , Bio Quantum Academy

The The Endocannabinoid System and Homeostasis​ Course is built on three pillars.

The first, the simplest, is the online course, which is effective if you experience a CBD oil cure. The duration is three months. Homework assignments are recommended during each module.

The course also serves to develop self-awareness. For this purpose, we have created questionnaires in the Cyberdoctor 3.6 (beta) database, which can be filled in and stored daily. While being monitored, these symptoms can change according to a specific choreography. This precise choreography is how the body restores its internal balance.

The online course is most valuable, and completion of the course becomes a passport to training as an endocannabinologist when the participant prepares their health plan and documents its implementation. 

The documentation, drafted according to scientific requirements, is the examination paper — a case study of the past three months. 

The second pillar is the one-year consultant endocannabinologist training course. The first three months are a self-study course, which the examination paper must defend.

For those who intend to become a consultant from the beginning, it is worthwhile to buy the measuring equipment from the start, which can be used to carry out meridian balance measurements and symptom questionnaires.

The measurement results can also be uploaded to the Cyberdoctor 3,6 database, where further calculations and statistical evaluations can be carried out.

This will be necessary to assess the client’s condition and make targeted recommendations on CBD oil use and emerging endocannabinoid-compliant treatment methods. The Cyberdoctor 3.6 database is also suitable for supervision. The supervisor also has access to the measurement data and questionnaires of registered clients so that all supervised treatments during the training period are carried out with the expected supervision support.

Through accurate documentation, the material from the supervised sessions over the three-quarter-year period should be summarised in a thesis. This is equivalent to a pilot study, which must be defended and published in a scientific journal.

Those who pass the examination will be able to practice according to local law and enter the scientific community by writing further articles and papers and presenting at conferences.

The third pillar is research. Although the experiential cure plan represents a detailed, evidence-based integrative methodology of placebo-assisted observation, very few studies have been carried out that have observed target groups based on specific diagnoses and produced clear, evidence-based documentation.

Research is essential to broaden the scientific base. Integrative medicine is often forced to refer to millennia of history, to proven indications, to the practice itself. For nearly a century, science has been infiltrated by a false, propaganda-based narrative that validates its activities through a distorted model to justify the existence of medicines. Based on randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trials, today’s validation system is built on a fundamentally flawed working hypothesis. Given that it is widely disseminated by propaganda, few people now care about the fraud surrounding its creation and comfortably accept the distorted claims as fact. The current doctrine of illusory reality can be effectively challenged only with sufficient allegations based on facts and backed up by higher-level biometric analyses. In endocannabinology research, we design studies that analyze the regeneration process by target group and methodology.

The study of homeostasis itself has reached a new chapter with the discovery of the endocannabinoid system. The previous molecular biological approach has been replaced by a biophysical approach based on quantum mechanics, which can study the behavior of molecular networks.

We now refer to the extended role of the endocannabinoid system as the endocannabinoidome and assign to it the control of homeostasis regulation. However, just as it was a hasty step 30 years ago to define the endocannabinoid system itself as consisting of two endocannabinoids, two cannabinoid receptors, and their associated producing and degrading enzymes, it is a hasty step to think that a quantum mechanics-based explanation of homeostasis is now complete. Several molecular networks, such as the cytoskeleton, and several microbial intelligences, such as the communication system of the microbiome, can influence the functioning of the endocannabinoid system and directly impact homeostasis itself.

Endocannabinology research synchronizes research on a better understanding of homeostasis with a shared understanding of quantum physics and biophysics.

The course “The Endocannabinoid System and Homeostasis” is offered online at Bio Quantum Academy Zoom, in individual mentoring or group courses, following the following teaching plan:

Presented by Dr. Karacsony, Ferenc
  • Introduction to the endocannabinoid system. Introduction to endocannabinoid biology. CBD had been discovered decades earlier but had not had any impact. The breakthrough came with the discovery of THC, which led to the discovery of CB receptors on the cell surface and then endocannabinoids and the enzymes that produce and break them down.

    Biochemical properties of the basic endocannabinoid system

    Biochemical description of CB receptors. Biochemistry and properties of endocannabinoids. On-demand production, retrograde inhibition.

    Expansion of the components of the endocannabinoid system in the light of recent research

    New receptor GPR55. New endocannabinoid Pentadecanoyl-carnitine. What else can be expected?

    The endocannabinoidome is intelligence — the concept of a homeostasis regulatory master system.

    Interactions between CB and other cell surface receptors, the elicited response as an intelligent response. Quantum physics aspects of understanding homeostasis to infer the master system.

  • Introduction to the endocannabinoid system. Introduction to endocannabinoid biology. CBD had been discovered decades earlier but had not had any impact. The breakthrough came with the discovery of THC, which led to the discovery of CB receptors on the cell surface and then endocannabinoids and the enzymes that produce and break them down.

    Biochemical properties of the basic endocannabinoid system

    Biochemical description of CB receptors. Biochemistry and properties of endocannabinoids. On-demand production, retrograde inhibition.

    Expansion of the components of the endocannabinoid system in the light of recent research

    New receptor GPR55. New endocannabinoid Pentadecanoyl-carnitine. What else can be expected?

    The endocannabinoidome is intelligence — the concept of a homeostasis regulatory master system.

    Interactions between CB and other cell surface receptors, the elicited response as an intelligent response. Quantum physics aspects of understanding homeostasis to infer the master system.

  • Understanding the microbiome in the light of interactions

    Presence and activity of microbiota in life processes. GNM 4th law (Ontogenetic system of microbes).

    Emergence of microbes in parasympathicotonia.

    The diatom as a sessile microbiome; its role in health maintenance and disease control

    The gut-muscle-brain axis

    Spectrum changes of the microbiome and the interaction of neurological functions. Examples of microbiome changes in neurological diseases are Parkinson’s disease, ALS, MS, and Schizophrenia.

    The microbiome as a wireless network and intelligence

    The control of the microbiome is as complex as the control of the endocannabinoid system. At specific points in the organism, they produce a law-like spectral shift in response to specific physiological events. Spectral shifts enhance regeneration; without targeted help, this does not happen, and the disease is exacerbated.

    Interaction between the endocannabinoidome and the microbiome

    Excitation of the endocannabinoid system induces an electromagnetic field. The same is true for the wireless connection field of the microbiome.


    Both interact with each other, i.e., the fields interact and can modulate each other. This modulation generates a continuous reorganization. A healthy endocannabinoidome and microbiome allow the body to maintain a high level of health that we do not know we have because both systems are subject to constant depression through faulty lifestyles.

  • The traditional medicine approach

    Initially, only the health sciences existed. Mechanisms known to maintain and restore health in the body, described differently in different cultures, were followed, even when still healthy, broken down into stages depending on the extent and nature of the damage. Such a system is Samprapti (see Module 5)

    The therapies were endocannabinoid-compliant treatments in today’s terminology (see Module 5), i.e., they did not impair the endocannabinoid system’s functioning but helped enhance its activity.

    The treatments were conducted in the spirit of herbal-medicinal bliss.

    Analogue systems in our body

    Analogues can be named from many different perspectives. Our energy body is invisible, imperceptible, even though many traditional medicine disciplines and theologies precisely describe its existence. The energy body is holographically projected into our material bodily superstructures. The analogy is how it is launched into the cell membrane and the skin. 

    Skin-cell membrane analogy and its significance in estimating endocannabinoid tone; meridian balance; Shakti Staircase System

    We can directly measure the electrical activity of meridian points in the skin. Everything that happens energetically on the skin, with the skin, is analogically synchronous with the energetic manifestations of the cell membrane structures. The dominant receptor network of the cell membrane is the endocannabinoid system, which is in direct contact with additional cell surface receptors.

    The tone of the endocannabinoid system is analogous to the tone of the meridian balance, so changes in the meridian balance can be used to infer changes in the endocannabinoid system. Using the properties of the meridian equilibrium, we can determine the differences in the behavior of


    quality indicators from a healthy state to a severe terminal state. The stages of the meridian equilibrium are inherently specific to the level of health. If we know the hierarchical positions according to stability and the theory of ideas, we can predict the level of endocannabinoid deficiency at the moment of measurement.

    The electrical signals could be used to develop the Shakti Staircase System model, which shows the current state from severely ill to healthy. This model is diagnosis-independent and can be used to monitor any therapy.

    An analogical approach to homeostasis

    The science of physiology has presented many different types of homeostasis. All the systems that work in us have homeostasis, and we can recognize several degrees in describing diseases. Our primary systems, such as the central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, metabolism, excretory system, and muscular system, all maintain their homeostasis. They all have in common that they are made up of cells from specific germ layers, the tone of the endocannabinoid system on the membrane, which depends on local conditions and the overall condition of the whole organism. Fundamentally, as everything depends on the state of the energy body, understood as its manifestation according to its derivative of valency, homeostasis is carried out in all systems according to a similar energy pattern.


  • Ayurveda’s teaching on the development of diseases (Samprapti)

    The development of disease is a long process. In Samprapti, the first four stages of the breakdown of homeostasis are manifested in seemingly insignificant symptoms. But if we recognize them, we can change the direction of the process and restore harmony. This way, we can avoid diseases before they occur, i.e., without symptoms and complaints.

    The importance and potential of symptom detection today

    Even in early homeostasis disorders, some symptoms are overlooked. Let’s take these into account and correct them with the proper responses. We will be able to protect ourselves from more severe conditions that are already causing symptoms and complaints. This is facilitated by regularly using questionnaires in the Cyberdoctor 3.6 database. In this way, we learn to recognize and interpret seemingly insignificant symptoms so that we can


    spontaneously eliminate them by taking steps to regain harmony.

    The molecular biological significance of detoxification in maintaining and restoring homeostasis

    The endocannabinoidome and the microbiome are sensitive to all monomolecules, especially artificial substances. Their presence triggers severe responses from our body and, in the meantime, contaminates the functioning of the endocannabinoidome. The key to restoring balance is an intact endocannabinoidome. Therefore, This system is damaged by chemical toxicity in the first instance, which is already generating severe barriers to regeneration. To subject the already damaged endocannabinoidome to further chemical stress is to create chronic disease. This trend has intensified over the last 100 years, making cure impossible in today’s clinical practice. Instead, the artificial maintenance of a bad state (see chronic diseases) has spread.

    Lifestyle, nutrition, and homeostasis; endocannabinoid-compliant treatments

    Differences between natural and artificial urban life: parallel dependencies on waste accumulation, regenerative capacity, self-maintenance. Manifestations of homeostasis in raw diets and chemically-loaded diets. Energy requirements of nutrition, the paradox of fasting. Stimulation of elimination – elimination of internal toxic balance. Modern integrative medicine favors treatments that promote regeneration.


  • The History of Cannabis

    The Cannabis Saga: from the Tibetan plateau to every corner of the world. A medicinal plant has conquered the planet, which for many has been an obstacle to the selfish pursuit of their interests — the timeline and absurdity of prohibition.

    Cannabis as a power plant. The direction and process of addiction.

    The oil of the cannabis inflorescence stabilizes the meridian balance, promoting the dominance of the fire element under control, which coincides with the direction of ancient medicine.

    The biologically active molecules of the cannabis inflorescence

    There are more than 1340 biologically active molecules in the hemp


    complex. Of these, 130 are phytocannabinoids. The most well-known are CBGA, CBDA, THCA, CBG, THC, CBN, THCV, CBD, CBC, CBL, CBV, THCV, and CBDV.

    The terpenoids: monoterpenes, triterpenes, sesquiterpenes – can directly affect CB receptors! By themselves, they provide the action of many aromatherapeutic agents.

    Flavonoids: their direct action can be observed using many medicinal plants. They are also beneficial on their own.

    Chlorophyll: A molecular structure analogous to hemoglobin, its role is essential and complex.

    Alcohols, sugars, esters, vitamins, precursors

    Associative action: oil combinations based on it

    The phenomenon of synergism has been recognized in the use of medicinal plants. Through molecular combinations, certain effects are produced with multiple strengths. The many molecules in cannabis produce more than one of these synergistic effects. The response elicited (see below) is exponentially stronger than is possible using the components individually.

    The co-occurring effect can be described and designed by tracking phytocannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids.

    One way to better target the co-occurrence effect is organic fortification. In our in-house development, building on the Indian five primal elements and the doctrine of doshas, by adding five terpenoid combinations, varying the titrated concentration to CBD, we have created a range of products to create a lifestyle whereby, according to the Samprapti principle, by recognizing symptoms early, we provide short-term endocannabinoid compliant help with the right CBD oil at the right time of day. This is extended to the waking period of the circadian rhythm by developing vigilance (see homeostasis module)

    The concept of elicited response and its distinction from the idea of effect

    The effect is usually a narrow description of the organizational responses caused by monomolecules. A broader symptomatic observation could be used here, but introducing the concept of effect was a marketing gimmick. It is part of the propaganda used to teach and spread the use of chemicals called drugs.

    In the case of complex substances such as hemp complex and its further refined extracts, it is no longer possible to simplify the model and speak only of effect. Logically and methodologically, observing several processes


    and phenomena that do not directly describe the desired change is necessary. These may be minor effects, but they are the induced response itself, i.e., the body’s reaction to the entry of a complex substance into all the places made possible by the digestive processes.

  • Methods of extraction and administration; protocol for the use of individual CBD oil

    Alcohol extraction, petroleum extraction, CO2 extraction, pressing

    Rick Simpson’s Oil History

    Vaporization, smoking as a cigarette, tinctures and their dilution, oils and their dilution

    Cure planning: duration, choice of extract, dosing, choice of dosage form

    Evaluation of the extract response, redesign if necessary

    Toxicity and safety data

    Lethal dose calculated on CBD, calculated on hemp complex

    It is easier to drown than to ingest enough to be fatal.

    Comparison with lethal doses of modern drugs, kitchen chemicals, and water.

    Double-blind test proven therapeutic options (What is today exclusively called evidence)

    Neurodegenerative diseases


    Tumor diseases

    Psychiatric pathologies 

    Addictive aspects

    Results of anti-inflammatory treatment in IBS, Chron’s disease and Ulcerative colitis

    Treatment options for cachectic patients

    Results compensating for the so-called side effects of drugs

    Double standards in evidence-based medicine and how to overcome them: a placebo-assisted individualized observational self-care model

    The greatest assassination in the history of medicine: the Flexner Report and its consequences. The infiltration of the pharmaceutical industry

    Rewriting definitions: infection-poisoning confusion, epidemic theories,


    disinformation of immunity

    Arbitrary choice of validation scheme and crowd-funding of studies in the wrong direction: a randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind trial

    Interpretation of placebo, placebo-nocebo communication. The silences around spontaneous cures.

    The living cell model in the living human organism, hence the creation of the placebo-assisted individual observational system – this model is the theoretical background of endocannabinology research, the new (in fact ancient) standard for evidence definition.

  • The impact of criminalisation on therapeutic use

    A multi-faceted study of human attitudes. Respect for law and authority as a trap. The artificial anarchy created by the propaganda of evidence-based medicine in the scientific world. The ways and stages of ridiculing ancient evidence. The undermining of the placebo effect by fear-mongering.

    Favoring pharmaceutical interests through registration and dosage recommendations. Rolling administrative barriers to the choice of cannabis extracts as first-line agents in SM patients and other pathologies.

    Depression of effects resulting from the authorization of THC content at critically low levels. Subliminal manipulation of aversions to THC.

    The uncontrolled distribution of dozens of products called CBD oil, which are banned for unfair commercial gain and defamation.

    Basic therapy concept, integrative cannabinoid therapy

    The endocannabinoid system is the first to be damaged in any homeostatic impairment. Restoration of homeostasis at any level is possible if, in the meantime, the endocannabinoid system regains its proper tone. 

    Good quality CBD oils generate a damping field that is beneficial in restoring the tone of the endocannabinoid system. CBD oil-based therapy is recommended with any treatment to keep pace with the activation of the endocannabinoid system and the resulting increase in regenerative capacity.

    The social aspects of personal responsibility and the relative benefits of legalization

    Disinterested, profit-seeking pharma-drug barons give the appearance of caring while generating serious addictions. With great acting skills, this


    deception can reach impressive levels. Drug barons who finance elegant designs prioritize preparations that sacrifice the ability to recover and achieve long-term recovery for short-term benefits. They exploit and manipulate our love of comfort and our reluctance to step out of our comfort zone.

    The human race is portrayed as helpless, unable to take responsibility, and needing to be looked after. The issue of personal responsibility is made unintelligible by legislation that removes the right to self-determination on the grounds of the more considerable social interest.

    If it is in their interests, they will take away the right of self-determination in the area of pain relief to increase the circulation of highly destructive opiates.

    The place of phytocannabinoids in endocannabinology

    Endocannabinology is primarily concerned with the control and restoration of homeostasis. The mechanisms are only partially understood, and our knowledge is scarce and often one-sided. The broadest possible insight is needed in order to maintain objectivity and, at the same time, to plan the therapeutic steps to be taken. Nevertheless, the working hypothesis that currently provides the most complete insight is that the endocannabinoid system is crucial to maintaining homeostasis. We also know that field and network theories can describe a significant part of the mechanisms, which requires interdisciplinary research and concerted efforts. It is challenging to organize this in the current scientific propagandist, disinformation anarchy, and the amount of work involved is also very time-consuming. For all these reasons, we have reservations about the exclusive use of phytocannabinoids in therapies.

    In our model, we attribute a catalytic role to phytocannabinoids. They are necessary to overcome many significant obstacles to the recovery of homeostasis. This catalyst is needed until we reach a high level of internal equilibrium, which is now self-sustaining. It is self-sustaining not only because high is the most flexible but also because it is achieved by developing our lifestyle, diet, exercise, emotional processing, and clarity of thought in parallel and parallel to the critical levels of high internal balance.

    The use of the 5 CBD oils of the Five Chinese Elements Theory helps a lot in this parallel process of learning and experiencing.


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