Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy


Quantum Weight loss

by Dr. Parvin Zarrin

Article Abstract

Weight gain is not due to excess food intake but rather chronic cellular deficiency and imbalance. Conditions like obesity, diabetes, and hypertension are manifestations of this internal issue. Effective weight loss requires addressing the root causes—nutritional deficiency, toxicity, and energy imbalance—rather than temporary fixes like restrictive diets or intense exercise. A holistic approach involving proper nutrition, detoxification, and energy balancing is essential for sustainable weight loss and overall health. Through extensive research and practice in quantum medicine, effective weight loss protocols have been developed, incorporating homeopathy, nutritional supplements, and personalized food plans.

Homeopathy Curative Substance as a Wave or Quantum Object not a Particle

Article Abstract

Homeopathy is a powerful healing medicine, not a placebo, activating the body’s self-healing abilities. It requires understanding water’s unique properties and quantum physics principles at the subatomic level, which classical physics cannot explain. Homeopathic medicines function as waves or quantum objects rather than particles, offering proven curative and safe effects globally. Unlike allopathic methods based on classical physics concepts, homeopathy relies on the law of similars. Quantum physics, particularly the Uncertainty Principle, elucidates homeopathy’s mechanisms, revealing it as a scientific and artistic healing approach.

Immune System, COVID19 & Causes of Disease

Article Abstract

This article discusses the nature of viruses, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, from a holistic and natural perspective. It argues that viruses themselves do not directly cause harm; instead, it is the weakened and toxic state of the body that allows viruses to thrive and cause illness. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding the body’s innate healing ability and the need to support it through natural means, such as proper nutrition, detoxification, and immune system support. The article also outlines a six-phase model of disease evolution, highlighting the body’s responses to toxins and the importance of addressing these phases in treatment. The author advocates for individualized treatment approaches, including homeopathy and nutritional supplementation, to restore health and prevent disease.

Quantum Anti-Aging

Article Abstract

Quantum Anti-Aging emphasizes activating the body’s natural healing abilities to undergo renewal and regeneration cycles, preventing chronic diseases, premature aging, and artificial death. Aging, often misunderstood as a natural process, parallels chronic diseases and can be counteracted with proper knowledge and strategies. Anti-aging practices stimulate the body’s intrinsic healing mechanisms, maintaining balance and promoting regeneration. By understanding the holistic functioning of the body and its alignment with nature’s principles, we can apply strategies to rejuvenate and restore health at any age. The body naturally follows cycles of weakening and regeneration, negating aging as a natural phenomenon and demonstrating that aging and anti-aging are interconnected processes.

History of Homeopathy

Article Abstract

Homeopathy is a natural healing methodology and a scientific medical art that treats various imbalances, internal disharmony, and illnesses, working with the energy of life to provide long-term cures for both acute and chronic diseases. Rooted in holistic principles, homeopathy treats the person rather than the disease, addressing underlying causes and using the “Like cures Like” law. This system, the second-largest in the world, activates the body’s natural healing power, restoring health by maintaining inner harmony and balance. Founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century, homeopathy operates on principles of vital energy and high dilution. Despite initial resistance and monopolization by mainstream medicine, homeopathy has proven effective against various epidemics and has seen a resurgence since the 1970s, promoting natural, gentle, and curative treatments at all levels of physical, mental, and emotional health.

Treatment of Alzheimer’s & Dementia

Article Abstract

This article outlines my holistic approach to treating Alzheimer’s and advanced dementia, emphasizing that these conditions are not brain-originated diseases but manifestations of internal disharmony. I use homeopathic medicine, tissue salts, organotherapy, homotoxicology, gemmotherapy, oligotherapy, orthomolecular nutrition, and lifestyle changes to address the root causes, which include inadequate cellular energy flow, chronic deficiency, and intoxication. My treatment focuses on detoxifying and restoring communication pathways between the liver, kidneys, endocrine, blood, and brain systems. By targeting the disease’s origin rather than just symptoms, this integral approach aims to gradually restore internal harmony and reduce symptoms over time.

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