Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy


Patient 1

Joe. B. Bolton, Canada
Dear Dr. Zarrin,
It is with pleasure that I provide you with our testimonial of Joe and his condition and how he progressed with your expertise. Joe had a stroke on December 6th, 2009 (at 61 yrs. of age)..he was admitted into York Central stayed in emergency care for 2 days and then due to a shortage of ICU beds was sent to Buffalo…where after a week of ICU care he was released and returned to York Central. While in Buffalo the doctors there determined that Joe had torn his carotid artery while sneezing, which lead to the blockage and resulting stroke. Joe was left with paralysis on the left side. His gait is compromised and he has lost the function of his left arm. When we left York Central hospital in March of 2010 Joe was on a number of supplements from our Naturopath and a daily dosage of baby Aspirin. Unfortunately on June28th, of 2010 Joe suffered a “Tonic”or Grand-mal seizure and thus began yet another direction in Joe’s recovery. Joe had been undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy and acupuncture in addition to physical rehabilitation therapies in an effort to regain as much motor ability as possible. We saw a Neurologist who prescribed Dilantin a seizure medication. Joe had a severe adverse reaction to the medication and had to be hospitalized over –night. The Neurologist suggested we try a fairly new medication (the one he was being given in the hospital) Keppra. Joe became very lethargic on the medication and he was also very emotional while taking it. We stopped the Keppra and then tried a number of Naturopathic remedies however they were not beneficial in the reduction of Joe’s bouts with Grand mal seizures. The remedies from the Naturopath did improve his overall cognitive function and physical strength also increased. He was having seizures as frequent as 6 weeks and as long as 4 months. We never knew when they would occur during the day or during his sleep. He would feel his lip twitch and say “I think it’s coming” and as quick as he said it he would convulse, shake, wheeze, drool, and then sweat profusely while all the time being unresponsive to physical or verbal contact. We were cautiously open to trying Homeopathic treatment as an option when our Naturopath and Doctor of Integrated Medicines, Dr. Nina Nejmeh recommended we consider the treatment of Joe’s seizures by her friend and colleague Dr. Parvin Zarrin. Joe and I met with Dr. Zarrin in February of 2012 for the first time. We consulted with Dr. Zarrin, Joe’s history and condition was reviewed. Dr. Zarrin prescribed a number of Homeopathic drops and tablets that addressed his neurological issues… over a period of six months Joe’s seizures became less frequent. We met with Dr. Zarrin approximately every 6 – 8 weeks and she would adjust his remedies as his symptoms required. When Joe began his treatment he was taking his remedies’ 3 times a day (each one 15 – 20 minutes apart) and it is with great joy that I share with you that as of July 4th 2012 he has not had a seizure of any kind that I have observed. Joe continues to take his remedies once a day at this time and we are very grateful to Dr. Zarrin for her treatment of Joe. He has been seizure free for 1 full year and 3 months. We are happy to refer patients to the knowledgeable practice of Homeopathic Medicine and Nutrition of Dr. Parvin Zarrin. With Thanks and Gratitude, Joe and Gudrun Bartolomeo – Bolton , Ontario.

Patient 2

Sepideh. H. Toronto, Canada
Infertility Case. Pregnancy in 4.5 months . Gestation diabetes in 8 months pregnency. Complete recovery by Dr. Zarrin homeopathic treatment without taking any form of allopathic medications or insulin. Gave natural birth to a healthy boy in 9 months.

Patient 3

Zara. N. Toronto, Canada
Thyroid Tumor and Several Nodules Case. 2013 I was on Dr. Zarrin homeopathic treatment for 18 months. Tumor and Nodules were not detected after nine months of starting my treatment. Never did thyroid surgery and never took allopathic medication for her cancer. Only on homeopathic medicine. A complete recovery and no thyroid tumor or nodules detected since 2014

Patient 4

Jamal. Z-Toronto, Canada
Very Chronic and advanced Crohn's Disease. 2015
Hospitalized for several weeks. Was recommended a surgery to remove a part of his colon and replace it with Colostomy.
Was on several allopathic drugs and medications for months before Dr. Zarrin homeopathic treatment.
Got off all the allopathic medications during homeopathic treatment and fully recovered in less than 4 months. No relapse since full recovery in 2015

Patient 5

Elena. I-Toronto, Canada
Chronic Debilitating Migraine Headaches for more than 20 years. Frequent viral infection. 2009
Was on several allopathic painkillers and migraine medications for many years.
Fully recovery by Dr. Zarrin homeopathic treatment in less than 6 months.

Patient 6

Becca. S- St. Paul's. United States
Chronic Hormonal System Malfunction. Loss of Natural Monthly Cycle for two decades. 2017
Went off the allopathic hormone replacement medications.
Fully recovered by Dr. Zarrin homeopathic treatment protocols in a few months.
Having normal monthly cycles since then.

Patient 7

Ozrae. N-Texas. United States
Chronic Debilitating Asthma and Dyspnea. 2016
Was on Cortisone inhaler, injection and high dosage of medications for more than 10 years.
Went off all the previous allopathic medications and great recovery by Dr. Zarrin treatment in less than 8 months.

Patient 8

Sylvia. W- Ottawa, Canada
Skin condition and hormonal imbalance for many years. 2010 Fully recovered from both conditions in a few months.

Patient 9

Andrew. W-Toronto, Canada
Excess weight issue and persisting Skin disorder psoriasis. 2010
Astonishing recovery from both conditions shortly after starting Dr. Zarrin homeopathic treatment. Continued the treatment protocols as a maintence for one full year and contiditons were fully removed.

Patient 10

Alethea. W- Markham, Canada
Weight issue and chronic viral infection with skin warts. 2008 Full recovery from both conditions in almost six months.

Patient 11

R. Koka- Toronto, Canada
Debilitating Back Pain after giving birth to the first child. 2009
Improvement and great relief in just a few days, and great level of recovery in 6 weeks.

Patient 12

Karen. W-Toronto, Canada
Prolonged Skin Condition Acne. 2010
Was on allopathic medications acutane and hormone therapy for several years. Got off all allopathic medications.Full recovery from skin acne and losing lots of excess weight by homeopathic protocols, nutritional plan, lifestyle changes and holistic skin care treatments in about 5 months.

Patient 12

Patient 12

Patient 12

Patient 12

Patient 12

Patient 12

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