Bio Quantum Academy ™
Bio Quantum Academy

Department of Medicinal Plants Research

Head of Department

Dr. Ladislau Rosenberg has been involved in research, education, and practice in various fields of integrative medicine for over 45 years and he is recognized as a specialist in apitherapy, aromatherapy, phytotherapy and homeopathy. Dr. Ladislau Rosenberg was an Associate Professor at two important universities in Romania, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Targu Mures, Faculty of Pharmacy and the University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Faculty of Medicine …

Dr.Ladislau Rosenberg

Medicinal Plants Research Department Course Overview


Welcome to our comprehensive online courses supported by the Department of Medicinal Plants within the Bio Quantum Academy in Canada on the ecological cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants. This course has been carefully designed to cater to a diverse audience, including agronomists, horticulturists, pharmacists, biologists, herbalists, entrepreneurs, and anyone passionate about sustainable plant cultivation. Through a series of one-on-one sessions conducted via Zoom, you’ll embark on a journey of knowledge and skill development that will equip you with the expertise to thrive in the world of herbal farming.

Courses overview:

Biological cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants, also known as herbal farming or herb cultivation, involves the sustainable and organic farming of plants that are used for medicinal, culinary, or aromatic purposes. This type of cultivation is important for producing high-quality herbs and botanicals that can be used in traditional medicine, herbal remedies, essential oils, perfumes, culinary herbs, and more.

Dr. Ladislau Rosenberg

Head of Phytotherapy Department

Head Of Department

Dr. Ladislau Rosenberg

He has been involved in research, education and practice in various fields of integrative medicine for over 45 years and he is recognized as a specialist in apitherapy, aromatherapy, phytotherapy and homeopathy.Dr. Ladislau Rosenberg was an Associate Professor at two important universities in Romania, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Targu Mures, Faculty of Pharmacy and the University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Faculty of Medicine….

Medicinal Plants Department Activities


Didactic activities: Offering courses and training programs in apitherapy, herbal medicine, and phytotherapy, with a focus on both traditional and modern approaches. Providing opportunities for students to participate in clinical internships and observe patient cases.

All courses are offered online on the Bio Quantum Academy Zoom in a one-on-one mentorship basis or a group class. Classes are at the evenings and weekends to accommodate everyone in different time zones and the educators are available to meet with students to answer questions, personal mentorship, and supervision. The courses held in the Department of Phytotherapy are adapted to the level of knowledge of our students, being indicated for obtaining the diplomas of level I, II and III researcher within the International Educational Platform.

Research activities: Conducting studies and research on the efficacy and safety of various natural remedies, including apitherapy, herbal medicine, and phytotherapy. Collaborating with other institutions to expand knowledge in the field.

Dr. Ladislau Rosenberg

Head of Phytotherapy Department

Medicinal Plants Department Designated Courses

Introduction to Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Cultivation

Natural Method for the Prevention and Treatment of Diseases

Harvesting and Post-Harvest Handling

Natural therapies effective in infection with the virus SARS-CoV-2 and Post Covid symptoms

Organic Certification and Regulations

Medicinal and aromatic plants useful in gastrointestinal disorders

Sustainable Agriculture and Biodiversity

The role of natural therapies in the medicine of the Third Millennium

Medicinal Uses and Herbal Remedies

Natural products with immunostimulant effect

Aromatic Plants and Essential Oils

Effective natural therapies in slowing down aging

Business and Marketing for Herbal Entrepreneurs

Natural therapies for the treatment of some common diseases in the world today

Medicinal Plants Research Department
Designated Courses

Introduction to Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Cultivation

Department of Medicinal Plant Research

Mastering Redox with Molecules of Cellular Harmony

Department of Medicinal Plant Research

Future Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Department of Medicinal Plant Research

Harvesting and Post-Harvest Handling

Department of Medicinal Plant Research

Adaptogenic Properties of Rhodiola Rosea

Department of Medicinal Plant Research

Organic Certification and Regulations

Medicinal and aromatic plants useful in gastrointestinal disorders

Sustainable Agriculture and Biodiversity

Department of Medicinal Plant Research

Therapeutic Properties of Frankincense Resins

Department of Medicinal Plant Research

Medicinal Uses and Herbal Remedies

Department of Medicinal Plant Research

Aromatic Plants and Essential Oils

Department of Medicinal Plant Research

Business and Marketing for Herbal Entrepreneurs

Department of Medicinal Plant Research

Ethnomedicine in Contemporary Natural Therapies

Department of Medicinal Plant Research

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