Bio Quantum Academy ™
Bio Quantum Academy

Utilization of herbal medicine in elderly Care – Phytotherapy Research

Course Instructor

Dr. Ladislau Rosenberg has been involved in research, education, and practice in various fields of integrative medicine for over 45 years and he is recognized as a specialist in apitherapy, aromatherapy, phytotherapy and homeopathy. Dr. Ladislau Rosenberg was an Associate Professor at two important universities in Romania, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Targu Mures, Faculty of Pharmacy and the University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Faculty of Medicine …

Dr.Ladislau Rosenberg

Course Instructor

Dr. Ladislau Rosenberg has been involved in research, education, and practice in various fields of integrative medicine for over 45 years and he is recognized as a specialist in apitherapy, aromatherapy, phytotherapy and homeopathy. Dr. Ladislau Rosenberg was an Associate Professor at two important universities in Romania, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Targu Mures, Faculty of Pharmacy and the University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Faculty of Medicine …

Dr.Ladislau Rosenberg

Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

Utilization of herbal medicine in elderly Care – Phytotherapy Research

Course Presented by Department of Phytotherapy , Bio Quantum Academy

A research project for the utilization of herbal medicine for anti-aging is a valuable area of investigation in medical field. Herbal medicine, also known as botanical medicine, is a natural modality that involves the use of plant-based remedies to support health and healing. Anti-aging is a growing area of interest and research, and exploring the potential benefits of herbal medicine in this area is important for the prevention and treatment of different diseases specific to the elderly, such as cardiovascular diseases, various forms of cancer, type 2 diabetes, arthrosis, etc. The research project on the utilization of herbal medicine in anti-aging could provide important insights into the potential benefits of this natural modality in a growing area of interest and research. The results of the study could be used to inform clinical practice and provide patients with evidence-based integrative medicine options.

A research project for the utilization of herbal medicine in anti-aging is a valuable area of investigation for us. Herbal medicine, also known as botanical medicine, is a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modality that involves the use of plant-based remedies to support health and healing. Anti-aging is a growing area of interest and research, and exploring the potential benefits of herbal medicine in this area is important for the prevention and treatment of different diseases specific to the elderly, such as cardiovascular diseases, various forms of cancer, type 2 diabetes, arthrosis, etc. The research project on the utilization of herbal medicine in anti-aging could provide important insights into the potential benefits of this CAM modality in a growing area of interest and research. The results of the study could be used to inform clinical practice and provide patients with evidence-based integrative medicine options.

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