Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy

Oligo-therapy Courses


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Professional Diploma in Integrative Medicine

by Bio Quantum Academy, Canada

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Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

Course Instructors

Dr. Parvin Zarrin is one of the world eminent homeopaths (Ontario province in Canada is excluded) and integrative medicine practitioners who has been practicing in Canada and internationally for over 20 years. She has a degree in Nutritional Sciences (B.Sc.), Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine from Canada. 

Dr. Parvin Zarrin & Dr. Bridget Goodwin

Oligotherapy. Aromatherapy. Medicinal Plants

Oligo-therapy, the use of trace elements normally found in the human body that act as catalysts in maintaining proper physiological functions. Oligo-therapy or trace element also called biocatalyst, is a method of furnishing the body with the ions that the organism cannot synthesize on its own and which are indispensable for cellular enzymatic functions. These biocatalysts must be provided in an ionized form and in ppm or less, so that they can be immediately transported and utilized in the body. Trace elements are just as indispensable as vitamins. Although the requirements of an average 70 kg person can adequately be filled by a daily intake of 60 mg of trace elements, shortage of one single trace element can lead to very serious problems, chronic deficiency and malaise and fatigue. Trace elements are metals or metalloids contained in the human body in very small amounts which are indispensable to effective organic functioning. Trace elements are mineral particles that occur in minute quantity in all living plant and animal organisms. 30 of these trace elements such as manganese, cobalt, selenium, zinc, iodine, iron, copper, fluorine, chrome, nickel, silver, gold have been researched and their functions are known. Trace elements are also known as Oligo-elements, which comes from the Greek work OLIGOS meaning very small, because it is the very small ionic fraction that is taken into consideration and not the corresponding weight in mineral salt. It is essential to emphasize the distinction between catalytic Oligo-therapy intended to improve diathesis by catalysis on one hand and supplying a certain weight on mineral salts on the other, which corresponds to an entirely different application and another plan of action. The active doses of trace elements are not extremely heavy, nor infinitesimal as in homeopathy but are found at an intermediate level that corresponds to the energetic or electromagnetic level of the living being. A trace element does not work by means of an effect of mass but as an informing element. Trace elements are catalysts that play a part in the functions of the organism by permitting its permanent adaptation to the environment. Trace elements are major modifiers of diathesis. Minerals are macro-elements as opposed to trace elements that are microelements. If we compare trace element intake, the required intake of minerals is 157-fold and it should be borne in mind that trace element deficiencies are very common. Macro means more than 100mg per day such calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, sodium, sulphur, and potassium. Trace usually means we do not know how much we need and it is a very small quantity such cobalt, chromium, iodine, iron, copper, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silicon, tin, vanadium, zinc. Universal agreement that all trace elements are essential for human body. Although several diseases have been linked with deficiencies of certain elements but deficiency amounts have never been determined for most trace elements.

Aromatherapy, the history of aromatherapy begins over 3500 years BC. Aromatics were at the time for religious purposes, perfume, and medicine. The actual term “aromatherapy” was invented by the French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse in 1935 after a burn incident, he claimed he treated it effectively with lavender essential oil. Aromatherapy, in some form, has been practised for centuries, with contributions from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, India and China. Hippocrates in Classical Greece was notable for helping to spread knowledge about the beneficial effects of aromatic plants and herbs on health and wellness. The first use of essential oils is believed to go back to pre-historic times when they were used to create paintings on the walls of caves. Next to claim the use of essential oils were Egyptians as far back as 4500 BC Essential oil works in two ways: you absorb them through the skin into your body tissues, and they stimulate your sense of smell to set off a biological reaction in your body. Biological cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants, also known as herbal farming or herb cultivation, involves sustainable and organic farming of plants that are used for medicinal, culinary, or aromatic purposes. This type of cultivation is important for producing high-quality herbs and botanicals that can be used in traditional medicine, herbal remedies, essential oils, perfumes, culinary herbs, and more. It is an art and science which seeks to explore the physiological, psychological and spiritual realm of the individual’s response to aromatic extracts as well as to observe and enhance the individual’s innate healing process. 

Aromatherapy Families
  • Lavender the number one essential oil. Monoterpenols have strong antimicrobial effect. 
  • Sweet orange. Monoterpenes are aromatherapy oils from citrus peels and needle trees. 
  • Roman chamomile. Esters have a distinct relaxing effect on the nervous system. 
  • Peppermint. 
  • Eucalyptus. 
  • Tea tree. 
  • Frankincense.

Aromatherapy I- Level I

Aromatherapy II- Level II

Aromatherapy III- Level III



Medicinal Plants

History of medicinal plants. Archaeological evidence indicates that the use of medicinal plants dates back to the Paleolithic age, approximately 60,000 years ago. Written evidence of herbal remedies dates back over 5,000 years to the Sumerians, who compiled lists of plants.

Biological cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants, also known as herbal farming or herb cultivation, involves sustainable and organic farming of plants that are used for medicinal, culinary, or aromatic purposes. This type of cultivation is important for producing high-quality herbs and botanicals that can be used in traditional medicine, herbal remedies, essential oils, perfumes, culinary herbs, and more.

Plants have been used for medicinal purposes long before recorded history. Ancient Chinese and Egyptian papyrus writings describe medicinal uses for plants as early as 3,000 BC

Hippocrates, 460-380 BC, known as the “Father of Medicine,” classified herbs into their essential qualities of hot and cold, moist and dry, and developed a system of diagnosis and prognosis using herbs. The number of effective medicinal plants he discussed was between 300 and 400 species.

Researchers have found evidence of yarrow, chamomile, and poplar on the tooth plaque of Neanderthals dating back to 60,000 BCE (Before the Common Era, formerly BC).

The most significant contribution to the medicinal plant descriptions was made by Dioscorides. While serving as a Roman army physician, he wrote De Materia Medica in about AD 60. This five-volume work is a compilation concerning approximately 500 plants and describes the preparation of about 1000 simple drugs. According to their longevity or life cycle, medicinal plants or herbs are classified as annuals, biennials, and perennials.


Medicinal Plants I- Level I

Medicinal Plants II- Level II

Medicinal Plants III- Level II



Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

Graduate With Bio Quantum Academy Professional Certificate

Course Level I, II, III

Oligo-Therapy Level I

Course Presented by Department of Integrative Medicine , Bio Quantum Academy

Oligotherapy Level I course is a through and in depth introduction to the history, science, concept, philosophy, function, laws, principles, preparation, dosage, potency and prescription. Oligotherapy Level I is required to fundamentally understand how trace minerals work and how they should correctly be applied and integrated with homeopathic treatment . This course is a precursor for the Oligotherapy Level II course. This certification course is counted towards diploma programs which are offered from various departments at the academy.

Oligo-Therapy Level ll

Course Presented by Department of Integrative Medicine , Bio Quantum Academy

Oligotherapy Level II selecting required trace minerals, learning about case management, case analysis, single and combined trace minerals and function, selecting dosage for acute, semi-chronic, chronic, advanced phases and malignancy according to the evolution of disease table. Oligotherapy Level II is a certification course and is used towards all diploma programs which are offered by various departments at the academy.

Oligo-Therapy Level lll

Course Presented by Department of Integrative Medicine , Bio Quantum Academy

Oligotherapy Level III deep study into pathology, and learning deeper about selecting oligo elements for organs, tissues and systems pathology. Selecting group of trace minerals for digestive, respiratory, reproductive, hepatic, renal, circulatory, lymphatic, central and peripheral nervous system, cutaneous, and muscle-skeleton. Oligotherapy Level III course provides vast amount of knowledge for prescribing trace minerals for specific pathology. This course is highly recommended to all natural medicine practitioners to enhance the efficacy of their practice.  Oligotherapy Level III certification course is counted towards diploma programs that are offered by various departments at the academy.

Course Instructor

Dr.Parvin Zarrin

Dr. Parvin Zarrin is one of the world eminent homeopaths and integrative medicine practitioners who has been practicing in Canada and internationally for over 20 years. She has a degree in Nutritional Sciences (B.Sc.), Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine from Canada …

Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

Oligo-therapy, the use of trace elements normally found in the human body that act as catalysts in maintaining proper physiological functions. Oligo-therapy or trace element also called biocatalyst, is a method of furnishing the body with the ions that the organism cannot synthesize on its own and which are indispensable for cellular enzymatic functions. These biocatalysts must be provided in an ionized form and in ppm or less, so that they can be immediately transported and utilized in the body. Trace elements are just as indispensable as vitamins. Although the requirements of an average 70 kg person can adequately be filled by a daily intake of 60 mg of trace elements, shortage of one single trace element can lead to very serious problems, chronic deficiency and malaise and fatigue. Trace elements are metals or metalloids contained in the human body in very small amounts which are indispensable to effective organic functioning. Trace elements are mineral particles that occur in minute quantity in all living plant and animal organisms. 30 of these trace elements such as manganese, cobalt, selenium, zinc, iodine, iron, copper, fluorine, chrome, nickel, silver, gold have been researched and their functions are known. Trace elements are also known as Oligo-elements, which comes from the Greek work OLIGOS meaning very small, because it is the very small ionic fraction that is taken into consideration and not the corresponding weight in mineral salt. It is essential to emphasize the distinction between catalytic Oligo-therapy intended to improve diathesis by catalysis on one hand and supplying a certain weight on mineral salts on the other, which corresponds to an entirely different application and another plan of action. The active doses of trace elements are not extremely heavy, nor infinitesimal as in homeopathy but are found at an intermediate level that corresponds to the energetic or electromagnetic level of the living being. A trace element does not work by means of an effect of mass but as an informing element. Trace elements are catalysts that play a part in the functions of the organism by permitting its permanent adaptation to the environment. Trace elements are major modifiers of diathesis. Minerals are macro-elements as opposed to trace elements that are microelements. If we compare trace element intake, the required intake of minerals is 157-fold and it should be borne in mind that trace element deficiencies are very common. Macro means more than 100mg per day such calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, sodium, sulphur, and potassium. Trace usually means we do not know how much we need and it is a very small quantity such cobalt, chromium, iodine, iron, copper, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silicon, tin, vanadium, zinc. Universal agreement that all trace elements are essential for human body. Although several diseases have been linked with deficiencies of certain elements but deficiency amounts have never been determined for most trace elements.

Oligo-Therapy Level I

Course Presented
by Department of Homeopathy
Bio Quantum Academy

Oligotherapy Level I course is a through and in depth introduction to the history, science, concept, philosophy, function, laws, principles, preparation, dosage, potency and prescription. Oligotherapy Level I is required to fundamentally understand how trace minerals work and how they should correctly be applied and integrated with homeopathic treatment . This course is a precursor for the Oligotherapy Level II course. This certification course is counted towards diploma programs which are offered from various departments at the academy.

Oligo-Therapy Level 2

Course Presented
by Department of Homeopathy
Bio Quantum Academy

Oligotherapy Level II selecting required trace minerals, learning about case management, case analysis, single and combined trace minerals and function, selecting dosage for acute, semi-chronic, chronic, advanced phases and malignancy according to the evolution of disease table. Oligotherapy Level II is a certification course and is used towards all diploma programs which are offered by various departments at the academy.

Oligo-Therapy Level 3

Course Presented
by Department of Homeopathy
Bio Quantum Academy

Oligotherapy Level III deep study into pathology, and learning deeper about selecting oligo elements for organs, tissues and systems pathology. Selecting group of trace minerals for digestive, respiratory, reproductive, hepatic, renal, circulatory, lymphatic, central and peripheral nervous system, cutaneous, and muscle-skeleton. Oligotherapy Level III course provides vast amount of knowledge for prescribing trace minerals for specific pathology. This course is highly recommended to all natural medicine practitioners to enhance the efficacy of their practice.  Oligotherapy Level III certification course is counted towards diploma programs that are offered by various departments at the academy.

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