Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy

Homeopathy Curative Substance as a Wave or Quantum Object not a Particle

Homeopathy Curative Substance as a Wave or Quantum Object not a Particle A Study of Homeopathy Homeopathy is not Placebo but a powerful healing medicine which activates the human body healing ability to cure itself. Understanding of homeopathy requires a fundamental understanding of the science of water, the universal solvent for homeopathic medicine and the […]

The Rise of Bio-Cosmetics: Where Science and Beauty Converge

The Rise of Bio-Cosmetics: Where Science and Beauty Converge A Review  Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of skincare and beauty, a new category has emerged that blends the best of science and nature—bio-cosmetics. These advanced skincare products are garnering attention for their innovative formulations, combining bioactive ingredients with pharmaceutical science to deliver potent and effective […]

Integrative Essential Oil support in Oncology

Integrative Essential Oil support in Oncology A Review  Table of Content Integrative Medicine and its Role in Cancer Treatment Exploring the Benefits of Essential Oils in Cancer Treatment The Science Behind Essential Oils and their Potential Effects on Cancer Cells The Use of Frankincense in Integrative Cancer Treatment Addressing Concerns about the Side Effects of […]

Green Beauty Unveiled : The Rise of Eco-Friendly Cosmetics 

Green Beauty Unveiled: The Rise of Eco-Friendly Cosmetics A Review  Table of Content The Essence of Green Beauty Natural Harmony: Ingredients Straight from Mother Nature Clean Beauty, Inside Out Eco-Friendly Packaging: A Beautiful Promise Cruelty-Free Commitment Empowering Consumers with Choice The Challenges and Triumphs The Future Looks Green In an era where sustainability is no […]

A “glimpse” at Citrus Essential Oils: a True Gift of Nature

A “Glimpse” at Citrus Essential Oils: a True Gift of Nature By Dr.Steve John Chiola What are essential oils? Essential oils are natural products extracted from medicinal plants, this is the scientific definition, but if we want to complete it, we must add that essential oils are aromatic molecules. Why is this important to know? […]

Future of Essential oils and Clinical Aromatherapy

Future of Essential oils and Clinical Aromatherpay By Dr.Steve John Chiola Essential oil demand has experienced a huge surge in popularity for health and emotional management therapies ensuring diverse benefits. The positive impact in treatments using aromatherapy in the past two decades has experienced a very fast uprise of interest not only thanks to the […]

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine a combination of “nature’s inborn wisdom” and “the rigors of modern science”. A Review  Naturopathic medicine a combination of “nature’s inborn wisdom” and “the rigors of modern science”. A Review  Table of Content Origin of Naturopathy Different Studies of Naturopathy Aromatherapy : a Growing field Origin of Naturopathy The term “naturopathy” originates from […]

Future Trends in Medicinal Plant Research

Future Trends in Medicinal Plant Research A Review  Table of Content Advanced technologies for extraction and characterization Functional genomics and metabolomics Plant-microbe interactions Pharmacological and toxicological studies Sustainable cultivation and production Application of artificial intelligence and machine learning   What are the future trends in medicinal plant research? What will be the future directions in […]

History of Homeopathy

History of Homeopathy A Review of How Homeopathy Came to life Table of Content Introduction to Homeopathy : Whats is Homeopathy ? Founder of a New System of Medicine : Dr.Hahnemann Homeopathy : an Effective System Againsts many Epidemics Rise and Fall of Homeopathy   Introduction to Homeopathy : What is Homeopathy ? Homeopathy is […]

chronic diseases


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