Course Instructor
Dr.Parvin Zarrin
Homo-toxicology is a branch of homeopathy. It is the science concept behind this system of medicine. It is a different way of approaching the patient and the disease. In mainstream medicine the concept of the “terrain and constitution of the sick person” is not looked for and unknown and therefore, the patient is only treated based on the presenting symptoms. Homo-toxicology is a theory of medicine that views the symptoms of disease as evidence of the body’s defense mechanisms at work against toxic substances. This theory referred to these toxins as Homo-toxins. Homo-toxicology treatments aid the body inrestoring itself to a condition of healthy biochemical balance and views the symptoms of disease as evidence of the body’s defense mechanisms at work against toxic substances. This treatment modality stresses the importance of stimulating the body’s natural ability to fight disease and the use of naturally derived formulas to aid the healing process. Homo-toxicology is the science of toxins and their removal from the human body and it offers a theory of disease which describes the severity and duration of an illness or disorder based on toxin-loading relative to our body’s ability to detoxify .
Homotoxicology Level I
Course Presented
by Department of Homeopathy
Bio Quantum Academy
Homo-toxicology Level I: Introduction to the science of homo-toxicology, history, philosophy, concept, principles of homo-toxicology medicine, preparations, dosage, potency and prescription. Homotoxicology Level I is required to understand how homotoxicology medicine works and how they should correctly be applied along with the other homeopathic medicine. This is a certification course and the precursor for the Homotoxicology Level II. This certification course is counted towards diploma programs which are offered from various departments.
Homotoxicology Level 2
Course Presented
by Department of Homeopathy
Bio Quantum Academy
Homo-toxicology Level II: learning homeopathic case taking, understanding endocrine pathways, learning single and combined homotoxicology medicines, selecting homo-toxicology remedy for acute, semi-chronic, chronic, advanced phase of disease and malignancy according to the homotoxicology evolution of disease table (EDT). Homo-toxicology Level II is a certification course and is counted towards all diploma programs which are offered by various departments at the academy
Homotoxicology Level 3
Course Presented
by Department of Homeopathy
Bio Quantum Academy
Homo-toxicology Level III: deep study into pathology, learning how to select homo-toxicology medicines for organs, tissues and entire endocrine system pathways. Selecting homo-toxicology remedies for digestive, respiratory, reproductive, hepatic, renal, circulatory, lymphatic, central and peripheral nervous system, cutaneous, and muscle-skeleton systems. Homo-toxicology Level III course provides vast amount of knowledge for prescribing homotoxicology medicine for specific pathology. This course is highly recommended to medical doctors, naturopaths, pharmacists, nurses, and conventional medical practitioners who want to bridge from allopathy to homeopathy. Homo-toxicology Level III is a certification course and is counted towards diploma programs that are offered by various departments at the academy.
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Course Instructor
Dr. Parvin Zarrin is one of the world eminent homeopaths (Ontario province in Canada is excluded) and integrative medicine practitioners who has been practicing in Canada and internationally for over 20 years. She has a degree in Nutritional Sciences (B.Sc.), Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine from Canada.
Dr. Parvin Zarrin
Course Overview
Homo-toxicology is a new branch of homeopathy. Homotoxicology science explains this brilliant system of medicine. It is a different way of approaching the patient and the disease. In mainstream medicine the concept of the “terrain and constitution of the sick person” is not looked for and unknown and therefore, the patient is only treated based on the presenting symptoms. Homo-toxicology is a theory of medicine that views the symptoms of disease as evidence of the body’s defense mechanisms at work against toxic substances. This theory referred to these toxins as Homo-toxins. Homo-toxicology treatments aid the body in restoring itself to a condition of healthy biochemical balance, equilibrium and homeostasis This treatment modality stresses the importance of stimulating the body’s natural ability to fight disease and the use of naturally derived formulas to aid the healing process. Homo-toxicology is the science of toxins and their removal from the human body and it offers a theory of disease which describes the severity and duration of an illness or disorder based on toxin-loading relative to our body’s ability to detoxify. Homotoxicology medicines are highly efficient in detoxification of endocrine system and internal pathways.
Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course
With Professionl Certificate
Graduate With Bio Quantum Academy Professional Certificate
Levels and Modules
Homotoxicology Level I
Course Presented by Department of Homeopathy , Bio Quantum Academy
Homo-toxicology Level I: Introduction to the science of homo-toxicology, history, philosophy, concept, principles of homo-toxicology medicine, preparations, dosage, potency and prescription. Homotoxicology Level I is required to understand how homotoxicology medicine works and how they should correctly be applied along with the other homeopathic medicine. This is a certification course and the precursor for the Homotoxicology Level II. This certification course is counted towards diploma programs which are offered from various departments.
Module I
-Science, Philosophy, History and Concept of Homotoxicology since industralization of the world in 20th century
Module II
-Prepration, dosage and repeatition of Homotoxicology medicine according to the principles of homeopathy
Module III
-Function of Homotoxicology medicine in detoxification, homeostasis and balancing through the entire endocrine pathways. Homotoxicology a solid and safe bridge from allopathy to homeopathy for medical doctors and medical practitioners
Homotoxicology Level ll
Course Presented by Department of Homeopathy , Bio Quantum Academy
Homo-toxicology Level II: learning homeopathic case taking, individulization, study of endocrine pathways, learning the applications of single and combined homotoxicology medicines, selecting homo-toxicology remedy for acute, semi-chronic, chronic, advanced phase of disease and malignancy according to the homotoxicology evolution of disease table (EDT). Homo-toxicology Level II is a certification course and is counted towards all diploma programs which are offered by various departments at the academy.
Module I
-Case taking. Selecting the best suited homotoxicology medicine.
Module II
-Study of EDT, Evolution of Disease Table and choosing a medicine according to the phase of disease
Module III
-Study of the pathology of organs, tissues, endocrine pathways and applying the indicated homotoxicology medicine
Homotoxicology Level lll
Course Presented by Department of Homeopathy , Bio Quantum Academy
Homo-toxicology Level III: deep study into pathology, learning how to select homo-toxicology medicines for organs, tissues and entire endocrine system pathways. Selecting homo-toxicology remedies for digestive, respiratory, reproductive, hepatic, renal, circulatory, lymphatic, central and peripheral nervous system, cutaneous, and muscle-skeleton systems. Homo-toxicology Level III course provides vast amount of knowledge for prescribing homotoxicology medicine for specific pathology. This course is highly recommended to medical doctors, naturopaths, pharmacists, nurses, and conventional medical practitioners who want to bridge from allopathy to homeopathy. Homo-toxicology Level III is a certification course and is counted towards diploma programs that are offered by various departments at the academy.
Module I
-Deep study into pathology of organs and endocrine systems as a whole
Module II
-Selecting homotoxicology medicine for different organs and systems
Module III
-Selecting the best and most suitable brands of homotoxicology medicines for your medical practice.