Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy
Homeopathy Diploma Programs


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Professional Diploma in Homeopathy

by Bio Quantum Academy, Canada

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Diploma Programs in Homeopathy

Diploma in Homeopathy Level I. 24-36 months

Diploma in Homeopathy Level II. 18-24 months

Diploma in Homeopathy Level III. 12-18 months

Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

Course Instructor

Dr. Parvin Zarrin is one of the world eminent homeopaths (Ontario province in Canada is excluded) and integrative medicine practitioners who has been practicing in Canada and internationally for over 20 years. She has a degree in Nutritional Sciences (B.Sc.), Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine from Canada. 

Dr. Parvin Zarrin

Course Overview

Homeopathy is a scientific medical art. It is a natural system of medicine that treats all kinds of imbalances, internal disharmony, and illnesses. It is a powerful system of medicine which works with the energy of life and produces genuine long-term cures in all kind of diseases. Homeopathic medicine is based on holistic principles, which means that the medicines treat the person not the disease. This approach does not just treat single symptoms but removes the disease from the root by addressing and removing the underlying causes of disease. Homeopathic medicine is prepared and prescribed according to the homeopathic law of “like cures like,” laws of dilution and potentization the “Arndt-Shultz Law” and the direction of healing, the “Hering Laws”. Homeopathic medicine is the second largest system of medicine and have been used by millions of people in the world. Homeopathic medicines activate the inner healing power to remove the disease from within, sustain inner harmony, balance, homeostasis, equilibrium and restore health. They are applied according to the natural healing principles and concept of cure. Homeopathic medicines are naturally derived, and are safe, gentle, healing and curative at all levels of physical, mental, and emotional.


Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

Graduate With Bio Quantum Academy Professional Certificate

Homeopathy Program Outline

-Introduction to the philosophy and history of homeopathy

-Science and Art of Homeopathy

-Science of Quantum Physics. Science of Water

-Laws and Principles of Homeopathy

-Introduction to homeopathic preparation, potentization and dilution

-Organon of Medical Art. Dr. Samuel Hahnannmen

-Chronic Diseases and Concept of Cure. 

-Miasms: Psoric, Sycotic, Syphylitic, Tuberculinic

-Materia Medica. Study of Homeopathic Medicines

-PolyCrest-Hahnemannian remedies, concomitant, keynote and small homeopathic remedies

-Inimical and compatible remedies

-Repertorization. Finding and selecting similimum medicine

-Case analysis. Homeopathic medicines differential diagnosis

-Homeopathic clinical case taking. Totality of symptoms

-Disease general, pathological and peculiar symptoms

-Disease evolution table and classifications.

-Modalities of striking symptoms

-Selecting dosage and potency of medicines

-Homeopathy in emergency and acute cases.

-Homeopathy in palliation cases

-Homeopathy for different systems and organs

-Homeopathic practice management, medical ethic, code of conduct and professionalism

-Textbooks required and recommended

-Research paper. Publication

Homeopathic Department Interdisciplinary Courses

-Homeopathic Tissue salts

-Nosodes medicines. Homeopathic Immunization 

-Sarcodes. Homeopathic Organotherapy medicines

-Homo-toxicology medicines

-Homeopathic Drug Group medicines



-Gemmotherapy medicines

-Oligo-therapy. Trace minerals 

Graduates after the completion of diploma program in homeopathy at the Bio Quantum Academy, are eligible to register with the Canadian Board of Natural Medicine to obtain a Certification Title according to the Level III, Level II, Level I diploma programs. 

Program Modules

Homeopathy Core Principles

Course Presented by Department of Homeopathy , Bio Quantum Academy

  1. Homeopathy Core Principles is a through and in depth introduction to the  

History, Science, Philosophy, Concept,  Laws, Principles, Function,  Preparation, Dosage, Potency, Repetition, Prescription 

Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine and Homeopathic Philosophy

Introduction: This is a crucial subject that strengthens the conceptual foundation of a homeopath. It exemplifies the ideas that, when put into practice, allow the practitioner to get results that he can rationally justify and reproduce with higher competence. The focus of this course is to build a conceptual foundation. The complete rational system of medicine known as homoeopathy should be introduced for its holistic, individualistic, and dynamic approach to life, health, disease, remedy, and cure.

Homeopathy Courses Outlines: 

  1. 7 cardinal principles of homeopathy
  2. Structure of Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine- 6th edition
  3. Classification of diseases
  4. Concept of susceptibility and miasms
  5. Concept of individualization and vital force
  6. Homeopathic case taking
  7. Cure, relief, and palliation- the homeopathic perspectives
  8. First prescription, second prescription, remedy reaction- Kent’s 12 observations
  9. Diet, regimen, and ancillary measures in the homeopathic management

This module will cover Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine and important cardinal principles of Homeopathy as follows:Law of Similar

  1. Law of Simplex
  2. Law of Minimum
  3. Doctrine of Drug Proving
  4. Theory of Chronic Disease
  5. Theory of Vital Force
  6. Doctrine of Drug Dynamization


The above principles will be integrated with the current modern trends in Medicine so that the learners will be able to grasp the concepts thoroughly.

This module will focus on important concepts that are very important when it comes to homeopathic prescriptions. The concepts focused on would be Health, Disease, Susceptibility, Vital force and Miasms.

The names of diseases essentially remain the same when it comes to modern medicine, but in this module diseases from a homeopathic angle will be focused. Disease Classification, origin and measures of treatment along with the concept of Individualization will be taught in this section.

After a thorough grasp of the basics of Homeopathy, learners will be introduced to various concepts like cure, relief and palliation. They will be introduced to the first and second prescriptions, remedy reactions and different observations that come across while dealing with homeopathic treatment.


In this module short case studies along with case taking covering the important concepts will be demonstrated. These case studies will create a foundation on how homeopaths practice and prescribe homeopathic medicines. 

Materia Medica / Repertory in Homeopathy

Course Presented by Department of Homeopathy , Bio Quantum Academy

Materia Medica & Repertory in Homeopathy is about homeopathic case taking, selecting constitutional remedy, reviewing Materia Medica, learning polycrest remedies, concomitant remedies, small remedies, homeopathic drug family remedies, reviewing repertorization, case management, case analysis, remedial differential diagnosis, selecting similimum remedy, selecting correct potency and dosage for acute, semi-chronic, chronic, malignancy according to the evolution of disease table. 

Materia Medica: Concordant Materia Medica includes: Kent. J.T. Allen. W. Boericke. Boger. Clarke. Cowperthwaite. Hering. Lippe. Pulford. Vermeulen. 

Materia Medica – expansion: Synthesis. Prisma. Lotus Materia Medica. Viva. Desktop Guide. Desktop Companion. 

Recommended: Hahnemann Revisited. Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimum

Introduction: It is not possible to remember the vast number of symptoms of Homeopathic Materia medica. Hence, repertorization was introduced and it serves to reach the remedy. It is based on strong philosophical ideas. A speedy selection of the appropriate treatment is significantly facilitated by the repertory, which is an index and catalogue of the symptoms listed in the Materia Medica and is practically organized in a practical fashion. Without the use of repertories, homoeopathy cannot be practiced. Each repertory has a different philosophical foundation, which dictates its organization. It is crucial to fully understand the intellectual underpinnings of each repertoire in order to maximize its potential.

Courses overview: This extensive course will include the following topics:

  1. Philosophy, history and plan and construction of different repertories
  2. Advantages and disadvantages of different repertories
  3. Case analysis, synthesis, evaluation and repertorization methods
  4. Robin Morphy Repertory
  5. Boenninghausen’s therapeutic pocket book
  6. Boger Boenninghausen’s repertory
  7. Kent’s repertory
  8. Complete repertory
  9. Synthesis repertory
  10. Computer repertories
  11. Conversion of symptoms to rubrics
  12. Understanding important rubric/

Different types of repertories

Philosophy, History, Plan and construction of different repertories

Advantages and disadvantages of different repertories

Boenninghausen’s therapeutic pocket book

Boger Boenninghausen’s repertory

Kent’s repertory

Complete repertory

Synthesis repertory

Conversion of symptoms to rubrics

Understanding important rubrics

Understanding computer repertories and their practical utilities.

In this module short case studies along with repertorization techniques will be covered. Important concepts like Case analysis, synthesis, evaluation and repertorization methods will be demonstrated. These case studies will create a foundation on how homeopaths practice and prescribe homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathy Advanced Level

Course Presented by Department of Homeopathy , Bio Quantum Academy

Advanced Homeopathy is a deep and advanced study into the pathology of individuals, and learning deeper knowledge about selecting the most similimum homeopathic remedies for pathology of internal organs and systems. Selecting PolyCrest and small remedies for digestive, respiratory, reproductive, hepatic, renal, circulatory, lymphatic, central and peripheral nervous system, selecting remedies for cutaneous, muscle-skeleton, central nervous and peripheral nervous systems. Advanced Level of Homeopathy provides vast amount of knowledge for prescribing correct remedies for specific pathology. This course is highly recommended to homeopaths and medical doctors who want to bridge from allopathy to homeopathy. 

Introduction to human body’s homeostasis, PH balance, endocrine pathways, pathological aspects, symptoms and manifestations of the disease. Studying the biochemical processes, enzymatic actions and hormonal pathways in health and disease. Studying of how homeopathic medicine brings internal balance and sustains homeostasis  

Studying disease evolution in organs, tissues, systems and entire human body. Determining the phase of disease from Excretory-Inflammatory-Depository-Implantation-Degeneration-De-diffrentiation. From early phase of benign to malignant phases. Studying to select right remedies, suitable potency and correct numbers of repetitions  for different phases of disease. 

Studying Materia Medica in depth, selecting polycrest based on totality of symptoms and concomitant small remedies for different organs and systems. Keynote prescribing in emergency situations. Classification of homeopathic remedies according to their source of Mineral Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Nosodes, Sarcodes, Non-ponderable.  

Emergency remedies for injury and trauma, acute remedies, chronic diseases and evolution phases. Selecting remedies for chronic conditions according to the phase of disease by studying in depth of main miasms of Psora, Sycotic, Syphilitic, Tubercular and Cancer

Selecting remedies for the Digestive system, Respiratory system, Reproductive system, Hepatic and renal systems, Muscle-skeleton system, cutaneous disorders, Lymphatic and circulatory system, Central and peripheral nervous system, and neurological disorders. This module focuses on the entire communication within internal endocrine pathways and axis throughout the entire body

Course Instructor

Dr.Parvin Zarrin

Dr. Parvin Zarrin is one of the world eminent homeopaths and integrative medicine practitioners who has been practicing in Canada and internationally for over 20 years. She has a degree in Nutritional Sciences (B.Sc.), Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine from Canada …

Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

Homeopathy is a scientific medical art. It is a natural system of medicine that treats all kinds of imbalances, internal disharmony, and illnesses. It is a powerful system of medicine which works with the energy of life and produces genuine long-term cures in all kind of diseases. Homeopathic medicine is based on holistic principles, which means that the medicines treat the person not the disease. This approach does not just treat single symptoms but removes the disease from the root by addressing and removing the underlying causes of disease. Homeopathic medicine is prepared and prescribed according to the homeopathic law of “like cures like,” laws of dilution and potentization the “Arndt-Shultz Law” and the direction of healing, the “Hering Laws”. Homeopathic medicine is the second largest system of medicine and have been used by millions of people in the world. Homeopathic medicines activate the inner healing power to remove the disease from within, sustain inner harmony, balance, homeostasis, equilibrium and restore health. They are applied according to the natural healing principles and concept of cure. Homeopathic medicines are naturally derived, and are safe, gentle, healing and curative at all levels of physical, mental, and emotional.

Homeopathy Level I

Course Presented
by Department of Homeopathy
Bio Quantum Academy

Homeopathy Level I course is a through and in depth introduction to the history, science, concept, philosophy, function, laws, principles, preparation, dosage, potency and prescription. Homeopathy Level I is required to fundamentally understand how homeopathic medicine works and how should correctly be applied. This course is a precursor for the Homeopathy Level II course. This is a certification course should be submitted to take Homeopathy Level II. This certification course is counted towards diploma programs which are offered from various departments at the academy.

Homeopathy Level 2

Course Presented
by Department of Homeopathy
Bio Quantum Academy

Homeopathy Level II course is about homeopathic case taking, selecting constitutional remedy, reviewing Materia Medica, learning polycrest remedies, concomitant remedies, small remedies, homeopathic drug family remedies, reviewing repertorization, case management, case analysis, remedial differential diagnosis, selecting similimum remedy, selecting correct potency and dosage for acute, semi-chronic, chronic, malignancy according to the evolution of disease table. Homeopathy Level II is a certification course and is used towards all diploma programs which are offered by various departments at the academy.

Homeopathy Level 3

Course Presented
by Department of Homeopathy
Bio Quantum Academy

Homeopathy Level III is a deep study into pathology, and learning deeper about selecting homeopathic remedies for human organs and systems pathology. Selecting polycrest and small remedies remedies for digestive, respiratory, reproductive, hepatic, renal, circulatory, lymphatic, central and peripheral nervous system, selecting remedies for cutaneous, muscle-skeleton, central nervous and peripheral nervous systems. Homeopathy Level III course provides vast amount of knowledge for prescribing correct remedies for specific pathology. This course is highly recommended to homeopaths and medical doctors who want to bridge from allopathy to homeopathy. Homeopathy Level III certification course can be used towards diploma programs that are offered by various departments at the academy.
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