History of Homeopathy
A Review of How Homeopathy Came to life
Table of Content
- Introduction to Homeopathy : Whats is Homeopathy ?
- Founder of a New System of Medicine : Dr.Hahnemann
- Homeopathy : an Effective System Againsts many Epidemics
- Rise and Fall of Homeopathy
Introduction to Homeopathy : What is Homeopathy ?
Homeopathy is a scientific medical art, and is a natural healing methodology. Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats all kinds of imbalances, internal disharmony, and illnesses, and is a powerful system of medicine which works with the energy of life and produces genuine long-term cure in all kind of diseases from acute to chronic and malignancy.
Homeopathic concept is based on holistic principles, which means that the medicines treat the person not the disease. This approach does not just treat single symptoms but removes the internal disease from within by removing the underlying causes of disease. Homeopathic medicine is prepared and prescribed according to the homeopathic law of “Like cures Like,” the Law of Dilution and Potentization, the “Arndt-Shultz Law” and the law of direction of healing, the “Hering Laws”.
Homeopathic medicine is the second largest system of medicine and it have been used by millions of people and have been prescribed by thousands of homeopaths around the world. Homeopathy is a genius system of medicine; it would definitely have been the first system of medicine if the medical system was not monopolized by the pharmaceutical industry and allopathic model or mainstream medicine for over a century.
Homeopathic medicine activate the inner healing power which is endowed in every living being by nature without exception. This natural healing ability or vital force removes the internal disharmony or so-called disease from within, sustain inner harmony, internal balance, homeostasis, equilibrium in order to restore health. Vital force is like a balloon filled up by life energy, when it is pressured, hit or poked by disease agents such as pathogens, endotoxins, exotoxins, environmental factors, allergens, traumas of all kind, etc. vital energy would leak out and causes internal disharmony or disease.
Homeopathic medicines patch up the hole and stop the leak and allow the vital force to repair and get back to a harmonious and balanced state. It is applied according to the holistic principles of healing and the concept of cure. Homeopathic medicines are naturally derived, are safe, gentle, healing and curative at all levels of physical, mental, and emotional as we call it holistic or whole medicine. When inner natural healing ability is activated, is capable to remove the internal disharmony or so-called disease from within, sustain inner harmony, internal balance, homeostasis, equilibrium to restore health.
Founder of a New System of Medicine : Dr.Hahnemann
Homeopathy has been the largest established system of medicine to come out of Europe about 200 years ago. Hahnemann rejected the mainstream medicine or allopathy model of the late 18th century as irrational and inadvisable because it was largely ineffective and often harmful. He advocated the use of single drugs at lower doses and promoted an immaterial, vitalistic view of how living organism’s function.
The term “Homeopathy” was coined by Dr. Hahnemann, and first appeared in print in 1807. He also coined the expression “Allopathic Medicine”, which was used to refer to Traditional Western
Medicine and allopath who used to practice it. So, Homeopathy was conceived in 1796 by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Its practitioners, called homeopaths, following the concept of a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people can cure similar symptoms in sick people when that substance is highly diluted and potentized; this principle is called “Similia Similibus Curentur” or “Like cures Like”.
A substance in the crude form can cause a disease in a healthy person, but the diluted and potentized form of the same substance can remove the disease in a sick person. The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843), asserted that the process of succussion activated the “Vital Energy” of the diluted substance, and that successive dilutions increased the “Potency” of the homeopathic preparation.
The founder of homeopathy was a genius, and gifted in many fields such as skilled linguist and translator. He was fluently speaking in seven languages. He was a nutritionist–dietitian of his time who promoted natural diet, food and healthy lifestyle. He could be called a first psychiatrist who cured mental illness with homeopathic medicine, with kindness, compassion, and humaneness. He understood the principles of contagious illnesses decades before Koch and Pasteur. He successfully treated the deadly epidemics which ravaged Europe in the first half of 19th century. He could even be considered a pioneer of modern public health and sanitation. He understood the paradigm of matter as energy in modern physics, quantum physics and the mind-body-emotion connection nearly two centuries ago. He was gone through many financial struggles and his medical practice obstacles, but he is the only person in history to have visioned an entire system of medicine and then fully developed it into a powerful and practical within the span of a single lifetime.
Life Story of Dr.Hahnemann : Founder of a Novel Medical System
He had a tremendous perseverance and convection in perusing what he believed to be true. Hahnemann was born on April 10th, 1755 in Meissen, Saxony, Germany. He was frequently taken out of school due to his family poor financial situation, but he helped his own education from age 12 by tutoring his fellow students in Latin and Greek. He moved to Leipzig to study medicine, and supported himself by giving private lessons in French and German. He translated treatises on medicine, botany and chemistry. Due to his financial situation, he kept moving from one location to another. He moved to Vienna, and then moved to find a job to Heman Stadt that is now called Sibu, Romania. Finally, he completed his medical school in Erlangen from a relatively obscure school. He received his medical degree in 1779 and settled down to practice in different villages in Germany.
He gave up his medical practice after 5 years because he admitted that his patients do better without his help with allopathy. He got Married to his first wife Johanna in 1782 and had 11 children in a row. He supported his family exclusively with writing treatises and chemistry in Dresden from 1785-1789. He Tried his private medical practice again but not enough income for a large growing family. He published many books in chemistry, and one his most important publishing was on “Arsenic Poisoning”. He again moved to Leipzig with his family and published a treatise on Syphilis and his prescription of Mercury called Hahnemannian Soluble Mercury.
His colleagues stated calling him a quack because he was converted to homeopathy from allopathy. His growing family hardly survived on his little earning, and they lived in a terrible circumstance. He started stablishing a medical practice in early 1784, but the medical community rejected and ridiculed him, therefore he had to stay up all nights doing translation work as his family main source of income. He kept pursuing his passion, researching for more effective method of healing during the day.
Homeopathy : an Effective System Againsts many Epidemics
The year of 1791 was a turning point in the development of his thoughts and new perspective. He realized the limitations and degree of the allopathic medicine but he had no good alternative to offer instead. There was an Ignite In 1791 while he was translating Cullen’s Materia Medica. Cullen attributed the anti-malaria properties in Cinchona Bark (from which quinine is made) to its bitterness and astringent properties. Hahnemann knew that other bitter herbs are not active against malaria. He started examining the Cinchona bark on himself and he developed the same symptoms as malaria. This was an ignite for his discovery and turning point in medicine. He discovered the 1st Law of Homeopathy “Like cures Like, and started making his own homeopathic medicines but pharmacists brough a legal action against him. The pharmacists won the case! He was prohibited to dispense his own homeopathic medicine.
In 1800 scarlet fever epidemic occurred, and it was an opportunity for him to demonstrate the effectiveness of his law of Similar, concept of high dilution, and principle of potentized doses. He used Belladonna in homeopathic form for scarlet fever. He was attacked again by pharmacists and allopath but no matter what, he provided homeopathic Belladonna to his patients and people for free during the pandemic. In 1810-he published the 1st edition of “Organon of the Healing Art” his most important work in homeopathy. His work was done based on homeopathic principles:
Law of Similar. Single potentized medicine. Minute dose. Proven remedy
He proved many remedies on himself, family members, friends, associates, disciples called “Provers Union” . In 1813- Typhus epidemic affected Napoleon’s soldiers after their invasion of Russia. He treated them successfully and cured the 1st stage of infection by Bryonia and Rhus-tox. He achieved huge success, but he was again attacked by pharmacists to stop his homeopathic practice and dispensering his homeopathic medicine. Consequently, in 1820-Leipzig city council ordered Hahnemann to stop his homeopathic practice completely. In 1821- Hahnemann was forced to move to Kothen-Anhalt in East Germany. He was protected by Duke Ferninand of Anhalt-Kothen who was one of his patients and allowed him to practice as a doctor and dispense his homeopathic medicines in Kothen-Anhalt.
Rise and Fall of Homeopathy
Hahnemann practiced under the duke’s protection for 12 years, and settled in Kothen. He developed his ideas in peace and quiet under the duke’s protection, and Patients travelled from
all over the Europe to see him. His homeopathic practice flourished then. In 1828-he developed the “Chronic Diseases” and the concept of “Miasms”. Pseudo-homeopaths were against his development of chronic diseases and his book was much delayed to publish. In 1831-Cholera epidemic spread from Russia. Homeopathy triumphed again because allopathic medicine was helpless against the virus. He used Camphor, Cuprum, Veratrum, the top three remedies for Cholera.
In 1833- first homeopathic hospital was opened in Leipzig under the direction of Dr. Moritz Muller. He needed help from Dr. Hahnemann to open and run the hospital. He helped Dr. Muller until 1834. He remarried to one of his patients, a young French woman Melanie who visited Dr. Hahnemann for an uncurable neurological disorder and she got cured. He left to Paris in 1835, and started enjoying his new life, and started practicing homeopathy again at the age of 80. He developed LM potency and finished the 6th edition of Organon, in 1843-he died when was 88 years old.
Homeopathy achieved its greatest popularity in the 19th century. It was introduced to the United States in 1825, and the first American homeopathic school opened in 1835. Throughout the 19th century, dozens of homeopathic institutions appeared in Europe and the United States. During this period, homeopathy was able to appear relatively successful, as other forms of treatment could be harmful and ineffective. By the end of the 19th century the practice began to wane, with the last exclusively homeopathic medical school in the United States closing in 1920 (when pharmaceutical industry monopolized the medical system). But during the 1970s, homeopathy made a significant comeback, with sales of many homeopathic products increasing tenfold in North America. It was a rise and a new movement against synthetic drugs and medications, and in favor of homeopathy.
Article By

Dr.Parvin Zarrin
Homeopath and Integrative Medicine practitioner
Table of Content
- Introduction to Homeopathy : Whats is Homeopathy ?
- Founder of a New System of Medicine : Dr.Hahnemann
- Homeopathy : an Effective System Againsts many Epidemics
- Rise and Fall of Homeopathy
Introduction to Homeopathy : What is Homeopathy ?
Homeopathy is a scientific medical art, and is a natural healing methodology. Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats all kinds of imbalances, internal disharmony, and illnesses, and is a powerful system of medicine which works with the energy of life and produces genuine long-term cure in all kind of diseases from acute to chronic and malignancy.
Homeopathic concept is based on holistic principles, which means that the medicines treat the person not the disease. This approach does not just treat single symptoms but removes the internal disease from within by removing the underlying causes of disease. Homeopathic medicine is prepared and prescribed according to the homeopathic law of “Like cures Like,” the Law of Dilution and Potentization, the “Arndt-Shultz Law” and the law of direction of healing, the “Hering Laws”.
Homeopathic medicine is the second largest system of medicine and it have been used by millions of people and have been prescribed by thousands of homeopaths around the world. Homeopathy is a genius system of medicine; it would definitely have been the first system of medicine if the medical system was not monopolized by the pharmaceutical industry and allopathic model or mainstream medicine for over a century.
Homeopathic medicine activate the inner healing power which is endowed in every living being by nature without exception. This natural healing ability or vital force removes the internal disharmony or so-called disease from within, sustain inner harmony, internal balance, homeostasis, equilibrium in order to restore health. Vital force is like a balloon filled up by life energy, when it is pressured, hit or poked by disease agents such as pathogens, endotoxins, exotoxins, environmental factors, allergens, traumas of all kind, etc. vital energy would leak out and causes internal disharmony or disease.
Homeopathic medicines patch up the hole and stop the leak and allow the vital force to repair and get back to a harmonious and balanced state. It is applied according to the holistic principles of healing and the concept of cure. Homeopathic medicines are naturally derived, are safe, gentle, healing and curative at all levels of physical, mental, and emotional as we call it holistic or whole medicine. When inner natural healing ability is activated, is capable to remove the internal disharmony or so-called disease from within, sustain inner harmony, internal balance, homeostasis, equilibrium to restore health.
Founder of a New System of Medicine : Dr.Hahnemann
Homeopathy has been the largest established system of medicine to come out of Europe about 200 years ago. Hahnemann rejected the mainstream medicine or allopathy model of the late 18th century as irrational and inadvisable because it was largely ineffective and often harmful. He advocated the use of single drugs at lower doses and promoted an immaterial, vitalistic view of how living organism’s function.
The term “Homeopathy” was coined by Dr. Hahnemann, and first appeared in print in 1807. He also coined the expression “Allopathic Medicine”, which was used to refer to Traditional Western
Medicine and allopath who used to practice it. So, Homeopathy was conceived in 1796 by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Its practitioners, called homeopaths, following the concept of a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people can cure similar symptoms in sick people when that substance is highly diluted and potentized; this principle is called “Similia Similibus Curentur” or “Like cures Like”.
A substance in the crude form can cause a disease in a healthy person, but the diluted and potentized form of the same substance can remove the disease in a sick person. The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843), asserted that the process of succussion activated the “Vital Energy” of the diluted substance, and that successive dilutions increased the “Potency” of the homeopathic preparation.
The founder of homeopathy was a genius, and gifted in many fields such as skilled linguist and translator. He was fluently speaking in seven languages. He was a nutritionist–dietitian of his time who promoted natural diet, food and healthy lifestyle. He could be called a first psychiatrist who cured mental illness with homeopathic medicine, with kindness, compassion, and humaneness. He understood the principles of contagious illnesses decades before Koch and Pasteur. He successfully treated the deadly epidemics which ravaged Europe in the first half of 19th century. He could even be considered a pioneer of modern public health and sanitation. He understood the paradigm of matter as energy in modern physics, quantum physics and the mind-body-emotion connection nearly two centuries ago. He was gone through many financial struggles and his medical practice obstacles, but he is the only person in history to have visioned an entire system of medicine and then fully developed it into a powerful and practical within the span of a single lifetime.
Life Story of Dr.Hahnemann : Founder of a Novel Medical System
He had a tremendous perseverance and convection in perusing what he believed to be true. Hahnemann was born on April 10th, 1755 in Meissen, Saxony, Germany. He was frequently taken out of school due to his family poor financial situation, but he helped his own education from age 12 by tutoring his fellow students in Latin and Greek. He moved to Leipzig to study medicine, and supported himself by giving private lessons in French and German. He translated treatises on medicine, botany and chemistry. Due to his financial situation, he kept moving from one location to another. He moved to Vienna, and then moved to find a job to Heman Stadt that is now called Sibu, Romania. Finally, he completed his medical school in Erlangen from a relatively obscure school. He received his medical degree in 1779 and settled down to practice in different villages in Germany.
He gave up his medical practice after 5 years because he admitted that his patients do better without his help with allopathy. He got Married to his first wife Johanna in 1782 and had 11 children in a row. He supported his family exclusively with writing treatises and chemistry in Dresden from 1785-1789. He Tried his private medical practice again but not enough income for a large growing family. He published many books in chemistry, and one his most important publishing was on “Arsenic Poisoning”. He again moved to Leipzig with his family and published a treatise on Syphilis and his prescription of Mercury called Hahnemannian Soluble Mercury.
His colleagues stated calling him a quack because he was converted to homeopathy from allopathy. His growing family hardly survived on his little earning, and they lived in a terrible circumstance. He started stablishing a medical practice in early 1784, but the medical community rejected and ridiculed him, therefore he had to stay up all nights doing translation work as his family main source of income. He kept pursuing his passion, researching for more effective method of healing during the day.
Homeopathy : an Effective System Againsts many Epidemics
The year of 1791 was a turning point in the development of his thoughts and new perspective. He realized the limitations and degree of the allopathic medicine but he had no good alternative to offer instead. There was an Ignite In 1791 while he was translating Cullen’s Materia Medica. Cullen attributed the anti-malaria properties in Cinchona Bark (from which quinine is made) to its bitterness and astringent properties. Hahnemann knew that other bitter herbs are not active against malaria. He started examining the Cinchona bark on himself and he developed the same symptoms as malaria. This was an ignite for his discovery and turning point in medicine. He discovered the 1st Law of Homeopathy “Like cures Like, and started making his own homeopathic medicines but pharmacists brough a legal action against him. The pharmacists won the case! He was prohibited to dispense his own homeopathic medicine.
In 1800 scarlet fever epidemic occurred, and it was an opportunity for him to demonstrate the effectiveness of his law of Similar, concept of high dilution, and principle of potentized doses. He used Belladonna in homeopathic form for scarlet fever. He was attacked again by pharmacists and allopath but no matter what, he provided homeopathic Belladonna to his patients and people for free during the pandemic. In 1810-he published the 1st edition of “Organon of the Healing Art” his most important work in homeopathy. His work was done based on homeopathic principles:
Law of Similar. Single potentized medicine. Minute dose. Proven remedy
He proved many remedies on himself, family members, friends, associates, disciples called “Provers Union” . In 1813- Typhus epidemic affected Napoleon’s soldiers after their invasion of Russia. He treated them successfully and cured the 1st stage of infection by Bryonia and Rhus-tox. He achieved huge success, but he was again attacked by pharmacists to stop his homeopathic practice and dispensering his homeopathic medicine. Consequently, in 1820-Leipzig city council ordered Hahnemann to stop his homeopathic practice completely. In 1821- Hahnemann was forced to move to Kothen-Anhalt in East Germany. He was protected by Duke Ferninand of Anhalt-Kothen who was one of his patients and allowed him to practice as a doctor and dispense his homeopathic medicines in Kothen-Anhalt.
Rise and Fall of Homeopathy
Hahnemann practiced under the duke’s protection for 12 years, and settled in Kothen. He developed his ideas in peace and quiet under the duke’s protection, and Patients travelled from
all over the Europe to see him. His homeopathic practice flourished then. In 1828-he developed the “Chronic Diseases” and the concept of “Miasms”. Pseudo-homeopaths were against his development of chronic diseases and his book was much delayed to publish. In 1831-Cholera epidemic spread from Russia. Homeopathy triumphed again because allopathic medicine was helpless against the virus. He used Camphor, Cuprum, Veratrum, the top three remedies for Cholera.
In 1833- first homeopathic hospital was opened in Leipzig under the direction of Dr. Moritz Muller. He needed help from Dr. Hahnemann to open and run the hospital. He helped Dr. Muller until 1834. He remarried to one of his patients, a young French woman Melanie who visited Dr. Hahnemann for an uncurable neurological disorder and she got cured. He left to Paris in 1835, and started enjoying his new life, and started practicing homeopathy again at the age of 80. He developed LM potency and finished the 6th edition of Organon, in 1843-he died when was 88 years old.
Homeopathy achieved its greatest popularity in the 19th century. It was introduced to the United States in 1825, and the first American homeopathic school opened in 1835. Throughout the 19th century, dozens of homeopathic institutions appeared in Europe and the United States. During this period, homeopathy was able to appear relatively successful, as other forms of treatment could be harmful and ineffective. By the end of the 19th century the practice began to wane, with the last exclusively homeopathic medical school in the United States closing in 1920 (when pharmaceutical industry monopolized the medical system). But during the 1970s, homeopathy made a significant comeback, with sales of many homeopathic products increasing tenfold in North America. It was a rise and a new movement against synthetic drugs and medications, and in favor of homeopathy.
Article By

Dr.Parvin Zarrin
Homeopath and Integrative Medicine practitioner