Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy

Bio Quantum Academy Departments

Learn About Educational Departments Offered by the Academy

Disclaimer: Bio Quantum Academy is a Canadian private postgraduate educational institution. The academy offers education internationally by international educators. Grant Certificates and diplomas are based on the completion of all the requirements and curriculum of homeopathy and Integrative medicine that are outlined in the educational platform. Evaluation or validation of granted certificates and diplomas from the Bio Quantum Academy should be obtained by graduates in their own countries according to the natural medicine and homeopathy regulations. Bio Quantum Academy does not have a responsibility about the process of evaluation, validation, accreditation and approval of granted certificates in different countries. Students should obtain information regarding homeopathy and integrative medicine regulation before entering the program. The faculty team is a group of qualified and knowledgeable instructors who teach the subjects. The academy offers high standard education according to its professionalism, ethics and principles. Our graduates are eligible to be certified and grant a certification title by the Canadian and American Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners. The admission, courses and diploma fees are not refundable at all times. Bio Quantum Academy uses the title homeopath for faculty and graduates internationally and in all the twelve provinces and territories in Canada excluding the province of Ontario. 

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