Bio Quantum Academy
Department of Medical Homeopathy
Department Home Page
Department Educators
Dr. Parvin Zarrin
Head of Department
Dr. Parvin Zarrin is one of the world eminent homeopaths and integrative medicine practitioners who has been practicing in Canada and internationally for over 20 years. She has a degree in Nutritional Sciences (B.Sc.), Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine from Canada …
Dr. William Clearfield
Dr. William Clearfield is a graduate of LaSalle College and the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines, IA., He completed a rotating internship and served as an OB/GYN resident at Metropolitan Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. Certified by the American Board of Family Medicine after completing a Family Practice resident in 1982 at United Health and Hospital
Bio Quantum academy
Advanced Diploma in
Medical Homeopathy
Receive Certification from Canada’s
Top Homeopathy & Integrative Medicine Academy
Designated Courses - Medical Homeopathy
The courses listed are Mandatory Modules for the Advanced Diploma in Medical Homeopathy offered by Bio Quantum Academy. Applicants will be exempt from the courses based on their level and familiarity with the topics by the decision of the Department Academic Board. This program serves as a foundational step in the career pathway towards becoming a Homeopathic Practitioner and pursuing a Doctorate in Natural Medicine. Graduates of the program will be certified to practice in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico, as the curriculum aligns with the professional standards in these regions.
- Materica Medica
- Homeopathic Main & Important Medicines
- Homeopathic Case Taking
- keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms
- Homeopathic Medicines for Systems & Organs
- Introduction to Schussler Salts. Cell Salts
- History. Concept. Science of Tissue Salts
- Single and Combined Tissue Salts
- Tissue Salts in Acute & Chronic Diseases
- Tissue salts in Dermetology. Skin disorders. Bio-Cosmetology
- Tissue salts in Detoxification. Drainage
- Tissue Salts in Inflammation. Infection. Immunity
- Tissue Salts in Neurology
- Introduction to Homotoxicology. Division of Homeopathy
- Homotoxicology History. Philosophy. Concept. Function
- Homotoxicology Science & Art
- Materia Medica of Homotoxicology Medicines
- Homeotoxicology Emunctories Medicines
- Homotoxicology Endocrine Pathways Medicines
- Homotoxicology Principles of Prescriptions. Applications. Administration
- Homotoxicology for Organs & Systems
- Introduction to Nosode Medicines
- Nosodes History. Concept. Principles. Function
- Nosodes Homeopathic Medicines
- Homeopathic Innate Immunization
- Nosodes for Auto-Immunity. Immune Diseases
- Nosodes for Children & Adults
- Introduction to Sarcode Medicines
- Homeopathic Organotherapy Medicines
- Endocrine Pathways Medicines
- Glandulars Dysfunction
- Sarcodes in Female. Male Hormonal Disorders. Infertility
- Sarcodes for Children & Adults
- Introduction to Biotherapeutic Medicine
- History. Concept. Principles. Function
- Biotherapeutic Medicines
- Deep Endocrine Drainage
- Drainge & Therapeutic Modalities
- Medicine of Homeostasis
- Introduction to Gemmotherapy
- Deep Cellular Drainage Medicines
- Gemmotherapy Single Medicines
- Gemmotherapy Combined Medicines
- Gemmotherapy in Acute & Chronic Conditions
- Gemmotherapy for Children & Adults
- Introduction to Oligotherapy
- History. Principles. Concept. Function
- Bio-Available Trace Minerals in Low Concentrations
- Ionic Treatments. Law of Optimum Concentrations
- Oligo-Elements & Physiological Disorders
- Disorders of Overload. Diorders of Deficiency
- Essential Mineralization
- Clinical Case Study
- Homeopathic Treatment Protocols
- Single & Complex Medicines
- Medical Ethics. Professionalism
- Regulation. By-Laws
- Board Certification Titles
- Medical Homeopathic Practice
Advanced Diploma in Medical Homeopathy
Bio Quantum Academy
Career Pathway to Homeopathic Practitioner
Registration Platform
Canadian & American Board Certifications
Bio Quantum Academy is endorsed for the high standard education, ethics, code of conduct and professionalism by The Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners™ Canada EBNMP. Our graduates, upon completion of diploma programs Level I, Level II, Level III from the Bio Quantum Academy; are eligible to register with the EBNMP in order to become Board Certified Members in Canada and the United States and granting “Certification Titles“ includes:
- Doctorate of Natural Medicine® DNM® ©
- Registered Naturotherapy Practitioner® RNP ®
- Doctorate of Integrative Medicine© D.I.M.©
- Registered Lifestyle Management Practitioner® R.L.M.P.®
- Registered Nutritional Medicine Practitioner® R.N.M.P.®
- Homeopathic Practitioner-HP ®