Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy


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Professional Diploma in


by Bio Quantum Academy, Canada

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Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

Course Instructor

Dr. Parvin Zarrin is one of the world eminent homeopaths (Ontario province in Canada is excluded) and integrative medicine practitioners who has been practicing in Canada and internationally for over 20 years. She has a degree in Nutritional Sciences (B.Sc.), Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine from Canada. 

Dr. Parvin Zarrin

Bio Cosmetology & Gemmotherapy
Courses Overview

Homeopathy is a scientific medical art. It is a natural system of medicine that treats all kinds of imbalances, internal disharmony, illnesses and all levels of cellular degeneration. It is a powerful system of medicine which works with the energy of life and produces genuine long-term cures in all kind of diseases. Homeopathic medicine is based on holistic principles, which means that the medicines treat the person not the disease. This approach does not just treat single symptoms but removes the disease from the root by addressing and removing the underlying causes of disease. Homeopathic medicine is prepared and prescribed according to the homeopathic law of “like cures like,” laws of dilution and potentization the “Arndt-Shultz Law” and the direction of healing and regeneration, the “Hering Laws”. Homeopathic medicine is the second largest system of medicine and have been used by millions of people in the world with fascinating results. Homeopathic medicines activate the inner healing power to remove the disease from within, sustain inner harmony, balance, homeostasis, equilibrium, regenerate, heal and restore health. They are applied according to the natural healing principles and concept of cure.

Homeopathic medicines are naturally derived, and are safe, gentle, healing and curative at all levels of physical, mental, and emotional, and the most effective medicine in anti-aging.

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