Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy

Bio Quantum Academy

Bio Quantum Academy is a Canadian postgraduate educational institution. It has been established by the president of the school, Dr. Parvin Zarrin. She is an eminent Canadian and international classical homeopath (excluding Ontario) and integrative medicine practitioner who has been practicing nationally and internationally for over 25 years. She obtained  a recognized degree in Nutritional Sciences (B.Sc.) by the University of Toronto in 1992. She received a Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences in 2004. She received a Doctorate of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine-PhD in Canada in the year 2009. She has been awarded an Order of Excellence for her intensive clinical research on obesity and weight loss by homeopathic medicine in 2011. Dr. Zarrin is a Board Certified, granting certification title “Doctorate of Natural Medicine” DNM # 435-807 by The Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners™ Canada EBNMP. She also holds an Honor Diploma in Medical Aesthetics specializing in anti-aging, skin treatments and cosmetology in 1995. Dr. Zarrin participated and received the certificates of achievement in Homeopathic Exchange of Knowledge from Dr. Samuel Hahnemann Haus Kothen-Anhalt, Germany in 2009. She has obtained several certificates in Homo-toxicology Medicine, Biotherapeutic Medicine, Tissue Salts, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-therapy, Homeopathic Organotherapy, Nosodes- Homeopathic Immunization, Orthomolecular, Therapeutic and Holistic Nutrition. 

 Dr. Zarrin is the founder of “Homeopathy and Nutrition Clinic” in 2004 founder of “Integrative Medicine & Nutrition” in 2015 and founder, dean and faculty of the “Bio Quantum Academy” in 2018, Canada. She is a mentor, educator, lecturer, and the author of the book Quantum Anti-Aging in 2020

Founder and Dean

Dr. Zarrin is the Chairperson, Head of Scientific Committee, Speaker at the International Conferences offered by the Bio Quantum Academy and other previous collaborative global platforms. She is the founder of “International Diploma in Homeopathy and International Integrative Medicine Educational Platform”. She has been offering talk shows and educational platform on social media in order to raise awareness and educate the public by the vast amount of information and knowledge about the causes of chronic diseases, the human body’s healing principles, philosophy of cure, and restoration of health. Treating and educating people about how to overcome their illnesses by natural healing modalities and holistic approach, has been her main priority and focus in life. She teaches homeopathy and integrative medicine, the science of quantum physics, the medical art of healing and the wisdom of  homeopathic medicine. She is educating medical doctors, practitioners and non-medical backgrounds via International educational platform to create a new practice, add, bridge or convert to homeopathy and natural medicine medicine. 

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Departments of Bio Quantum Academy

Canadian & American Board Certifications

Bio Quantum Academy is endorsed for the high standard education, ethics, code of conduct and professionalism by The Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners™ Canada EBNMP. Our graduates, upon completion of diploma programs Level I, Level II, Level III from the Bio Quantum Academy; are eligible to register with the EBNMP in order to become Board Certified Members in Canada and the United States and granting “Certification Titles includes: 

  • Doctorate of Natural Medicine® DNM® ©
  • Registered Naturotherapy Practitioner® RNP ®
  • Doctorate of Integrative Medicine© D.I.M.©
  • Registered Lifestyle Management Practitioner® R.L.M.P.®
  • Registered Nutritional Medicine Practitioner® R.N.M.P.®
  • Homeopathic Practitioner-HP ®

Disclaimer: Bio Quantum Academy is not responsible for any similar accreditations and certification marks by the other boards of natural medicine or associations in Canada. Anyone with questions should directly contact The Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners™ Canada EBNMP.

Website: / Email: [email protected] 

Mission Statement

Bio Quantum Academy is committed to bringing scientific knowledge and true information, correct narrative about natural methods of healing and medicine, medical perspective, restoration of health, human healing ability and wisdom of natural medicine. We teach how you can heal, renew, regenerate, and rejuvenate naturally and efficiently by the help of homeopathic and natural medicine. Bio Quantum Academy offers a variety of diploma programs Level I, Level II, Level III, certification courses, international conferences, academic collaboration and  educational affiliation internationally. The unique integrative medicine platform is designed according to the science  and principles of homeopathy and natural medicine. Bio Quantum Academy offers Homeopathy and Integrative Medicine certification courses individually and combined courses as a complete diploma program.

 Bio Quantum Academy has launched an innovative postgraduate educational platform “International Diploma in Classical Homeopathy and Integrative Medicine Research Diploma Platform” in March, 2023. We offer certification courses, diploma level I, diploma level II and advanced research programs in integrative medicine to medical practitioners and non-medical with different educational backgrounds offering special designed diploma programs. 

Our mission is to educate and train health practitioners and professionals in order to enable them to establish a new practice, add to their current practice or bridge to a new natural modality of homeopathy and integrative medicine or convert to homeopathy. This is our goal to enhance the level of efficacy in medical practices. It is empowering to attain strong knowledge and education in science and wisdom of inner healing power, homeopathic and natural medicines, and learn how to apply the art of healing to help the sick in order to restore their health naturally, gently, and permanently. International Homeopathy and Integrative Medicine Platform from the Bio Quantum Academy is strictly based on natural medicine pricinciples including Homeopathy, Homotoxicology, Gemmotherapy, Oligotherapy, Nutritional Medicine, Functional Medicine, Phytotherapy, Medicinal Plants, Clinical Aromatherapy, Biotherapeutic Medicine, and lifestyle medicine. 


Education Is The Most Powerful Weapon Which You Can Use To Change The WorldNelson Mandela

International Educational Platforms

Homeopathy Advanced Research Diploma Programs Level I, Level II, Level III
Integrative Medicine  Research Diploma Programs  Level I, Level II, Level III

Diploma Requirements 

Courses are offered individually for certification courses, and combined for the diploma programs. Each course is equal to 10 hours study duration. Diploma level I, diploma level II and advanced research program Level III can be completed in 12-28 months. Clinical cases should be submitted after the completion of integrative medicine courses. All courses are offered online on the Bio Quantum Academy Zoom and the educators’ personal virtual platforms. They are offered on a one-on-one mentorship basis or a group class. Classes can be arranged to accommodate the educators and students in different time zones. Educators are available to meet with students to answer questions, personal mentorship, and supervision throughout the entire study.

Our mission is to educate and train health practitioners and professionals in order to establish a new practice or bridge to integrative medicine. Integrative medicine would enhance the level of medical practice, efficacy, facilitate natural inner healing, and restore the state of health naturally, better, faster, and permanently. We empower practitioners to achieve strong knowledge and education in healing principles, natural laws, curing concept, inner healing ability, science, and wisdom of natural medicines. We are a team of knowledgeable and expert in science, management, creativity, and guidance in order to help applicants to decide a new scientific journey with us.

Registration Requirements: Applicants provide required documents to create an entry file and start processing, assessment, evaluation, and admission. Applicants resume, CV, educational and work background, supporting documents are reviewed, assessed, and evaluated by the Bio Quantum Academy, Canada. Admission is issued upon evaluation and approval by the academy. 

Diploma Program in Homeopathy
Level I

Homeopathy Level I is a through and in depth introduction to the history, science, concept, philosophy, function, laws, principles, preparation, dosage, potency and prescription. Homeopathy Level I is required to fundamentally understand how homeopathic medicine works and how should correctly be applied. This course is a precursor for the Homeopathy Level II course. This is a certification course should be submitted to take Homeopathy Level II. This certification course is counted towards diploma programs which are offered from various departments at the academy.

 Prerequisite: Biology, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (Intermediate-advanced level)

 Requirements: Designated Level I courses, 10 clinical Cases, 30 hours clinical practice  or research

Assessment and evaluation application-Level I. Applicants CV or resume including contact information, education, field of study, practice background, academic achievements, professional references, copy of notarized educational certificates, and diploma, latest degree with transcripts, academic awards, humanitarian outreach, supporting documents.

-Personal interview between the applicant and academy to discuss applicants’ interests, answering questions, guidance, and recommendation about diploma programs.

-Administration, processing, evaluation, and admission, one-time non-refundable $249.00 which goes toward the diploma program.

Diploma Program in Homeopathy
Level II

Homeopathy Level II is about homeopathic case taking, selecting constitutional remedy, reviewing Materia Medica, learning polycrest remedies, concomitant remedies, small remedies, homeopathic drug family remedies, reviewing repertorization, case management, case analysis, remedial differential diagnosis, selecting similimum remedy, selecting correct potency and dosage for acute, semi-chronic, chronic, malignancy according to the evolution of disease table. Homeopathy Level II is a certification course and is used towards all diploma programs which are offered by various departments at the academy.

Requirement: Designated Level III courses, 10 clinical cases, 20 hours clinical practice, research thesis

Applicant CV or resume (contact information, education, field of study, practice background, academic achievements, professional references, a copy of notarized certificates, diploma and transcripts, latest degree, academic awards, field of interest in natural medicine, humanitarian outreach, supporting documents.

-Personal interview to discuss applicants’ interests in different areas of natural medicine, and answering their questions about diploma research program. Researchers would be assisted and monitored by a supervisor during the program until completion. 

-Administration, processing, evaluation, and admission one-time non- refundable $249.00 which goes toward the diploma program upon registration.


Diploma Program in Homeopathy
Level III

Homeopathy Level III, is a deep and advanced study into the pathology of individuals, and learning deeper knowledge about selecting the most similimum homeopathic remedies for pathological manifestations of human internal organs and systems. Selecting polycrest and small remedies remedies for digestive, respiratory, reproductive, hepatic, renal, circulatory, lymphatic, central and peripheral nervous system, selecting remedies for cutaneous, muscle-skeleton, central nervous and peripheral nervous systems. Homeopathy Level III course provides vast amount of knowledge for prescribing correct remedies for specific pathology. This course is highly recommended to homeopaths and medical doctors who want to bridge from allopathy to homeopathy. Homeopathy Level III certification course can be used towards diploma programs that are offered by various departments at the academy.

Requirements:  Designated Level II courses, 10 cases, 20 hours clinical practice or research

Assessment and evaluation application Level II. Applicant CV or resume including contact information, education, field of study, practice background, achievements, professional references, a copy of notarized certificates, diploma, transcripts, awards, and field of interest, social or humanitarian work.

-Personal interview to discuss applicants’ interests, answering questions, guidance, and recommendation about the diploma programs.

-Administration, processing, evaluation, and admission onetime non- refundable $249.00 which goes toward the Level III Diploma Program 

Integrative Medicine Diploma
level I

This program is designed for health and science background with or without knowledge of natural medicine. Level One is designed to have a thorough and complete education and training to obtain a Practitioner Diploma Level I in Integrative Medicine to establish a new  practice, add it to their current practice or switch over to a new natural healing modality.

Prerequisite: Biology, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (Intermediate-advanced level)

Requirements: 8 courses (based on applicants’ interest & academy evaluation), 10 clinical Cases, 30 hours clinical practice  or research

Assessment and evaluation application-Level I. Applicants CV or resume including contact information, education, field of study, practice background, academic achievements, professional references, copy of notarized educational certificates, and diploma, latest degree with transcripts, academic awards, humanitarian outreach, supporting documents.

-Personal interview between the applicant and academy to discuss applicants’ interests, answering questions, guidance, and recommendation about diploma programs.

-Administration, processing, evaluation, and admission, one-time non-refundable $249.00 which goes toward the diploma program.

Integrative Medicine Diploma
level II

This program is designed for practitioners who practice at least one area of natural medicine and they would like to advance, progress, and deepen their knowledge to add it to their current practice.

Requirements:  6 courses (based on applicant’s interest & academy evaluation), 10 cases, 20 hours clinical practice or research

Assessment and evaluation application Level II. Applicant CV or resume including contact information, education, field of study, practice background, achievements, professional references, a copy of notarized certificates, diploma, transcripts, awards, and field of interest, social or humanitarian work.

-Personal interview to discuss applicants’ interests, answering questions, guidance, and recommendation about the diploma programs.

-Administration, processing, evaluation, and admission onetime non- refundable $249.00 which goes toward the Level II diploma program upon registration.

Integrative Medicine Diploma
level III

This program is designed for doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths, homeopaths, osteopaths, allopath, dentists, medical doctors, dentists, surgens, nurses, and health practitioners. The applicants should have an existing degree in the medical field while wanting to add integrative medicine to their medical practice.

Requirement: 4 integrative medicine courses, 10 clinical cases, 20 hours clinical practice, research thesis

Applicant CV or resume (contact information, education, field of study, practice background, academic achievements, professional references, a copy of notarized certificates, diploma and transcripts, latest degree, academic awards, field of interest in natural medicine, humanitarian outreach, supporting documents.

-Personal interview to discuss applicants’ interests in different areas of natural medicine, and answering their questions about diploma research program. Researchers would be assisted and monitored by a supervisor during the program until completion. 

-Administration, processing, evaluation, and admission one-time non- refundable $249.00 which goes toward the research program upon registration.

Disclaimer: Bio Quantum Academy is a Canadian private postgraduate educational institution. Bio Quantum academy is not public or DEI institution in Canada. The academy offers high standard education internationally. Granted Certificates and diplomas are based on the completion of all the requirements and curriculum of homeopathy and Integrative medicine diploma programs that are outlined on the platform. Evaluation or validation of granted certificates and diplomas from the Bio Quantum Academy should be obtained by the graduates in their own countries according to their natural medicine regulations. Bio Quantum Academy does not have a responsibility about the process of evaluation, validation, accreditation and approval of granted certificates in different countries. Students should obtain information regarding natural medicine regulation before entering the program. The academy offers high standard education according to its educational curriculums, medical professionalism and ethics. Fees for admission, courses and diploma are not refundable at all times. 

Disclaimer for Homeopathy in Ontario: Department of Homeopathy at the Bio Quantum Academy offers courses and diploma nationally and internationally. Graduates from the Bio Quantum Academy are eligible to grant the Certification Title of Homeopathic Practitioner-HP from the Canadian Board of EBNMP (excluding the province of Ontario). We use the title of Homeopathic Practitioner and Homeopath in all 12 provinces and territories in Canada excluding the province of Ontario. 

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