Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy

Bio Quantum Academy
Professional Diploma in Homeopathy

Department of Classical homeopathy

Bio Quantum academy


Advanced Diploma in

Receive Certification from Canada’s

Top Homeopathy & Integrative Medicine Academy

About The Program Director

Dr. Parvin Zarrin

Ph.D., DHMS. DNM. B.Sc.

Dr. Parvin Zarrin is one of the world eminent homeopaths and integrative medicine practitioners who has been practicing in Canada and internationally for over 20 years. She is an experienced international homeopath. She is Canadina Board certified, granted the Certification Title Doctorate in Natural Medicine-DNM.

She has a degree  Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, PhD in Philosophy of  Integrative, degree in Nutritional Sciences,  Honor Diploma in Medical Aesthetics specializing in Anti-Aging and skin disorders in Canada. She has been awarded an Order of Excellence for her homeopathic PhD research on obesity and weight loss. Dr. Zarrin received certificates of achievement in Homeopathic Exchange of Knowledge from Kothen-Anhalt, Germany.

Homeopathy Diploma Levels

Bio Quantum Academy Professional Diplomas

The Homeopathy Level I program is designed for participants with no prior or minimal familiarity with homeopathy. Over the course of 36 months, students will engage in a comprehensive introduction to homeopathic principles, history, philosophy, preparation, dosage, and prescription. This foundational level builds a strong understanding of how homeopathic medicine works, providing the necessary groundwork for advancing through the higher levels of study. Participants will complete the full curriculum, which leads to the Diploma in Homeopathy. All students in Level I will advance through all stages of the program, preparing them for more advanced topics in Level II and III.

The Homeopathy Level II program is intended for participants with a medical background or foundational knowledge of homeopathy. This 24-month course focuses on case-taking, remedy selection, case management, and reviewing advanced homeopathic concepts like Materia Medica and remedial differential diagnosis. Students will study the complete curriculum, delving deeper into practical applications of homeopathy. Since they already have a medical foundation, participants in this level bypass the introductory content covered in Level I and move directly into advanced studies. Upon completion, they will receive a Diploma in Homeopathy.

The Homeopathy Level III program is designed for practicing homeopaths and integrative practitioners who want to further their expertise or acquire certification in North America. Over a 12-month period, participants will focus on the pathology of internal organs and systems, selecting the most appropriate homeopathic remedies for complex conditions. The curriculum covers advanced topics in polycrest and small remedies, differential diagnosis, and prescribing treatments for various pathological conditions. Given their prior expertise, students in this program are exempt from foundational studies, allowing them to focus entirely on advanced topics. All participants will complete the full curriculum and earn a Diploma in Homeopathy.

Advanced Diploma in

Presented by the Department of Classical Homeopathy, Bio Quantum Academy

Full Course Content

The Homeopathy Diploma Program at BioQuantum Academy is a comprehensive educational pathway designed to accommodate participants from diverse backgrounds, ranging from beginners to experienced practitioners. The program consists of three levels, each tailored to the student’s prior knowledge. Level I, spanning 36 months, is designed for those with little to no background in homeopathy, offering a thorough foundation in the field. Level II, lasting 24 months, is intended for participants with a medical background, focusing on advanced homeopathic practices. Level III, a 12-month program, is aimed at homeopaths and integrative practitioners seeking certification in North America, providing deep expertise in pathology and advanced remedy selection. Upon completion of the curriculum, all students will earn a Diploma in Homeopathy

This course provides a comprehensive overview of homeopathy, exploring its history, core concepts, and fundamental principles. It is designed to lay the groundwork for understanding the science and philosophy behind homeopathic medicine.

This course delves into the dual nature of homeopathy as both a science and an art, examining the methods of remedy preparation and dosage, while also highlighting the skillful application of these remedies in practice.

Exploring the connection between quantum physics and homeopathy, this course introduces the scientific theories that underpin homeopathic principles, emphasizing the energetic nature of homeopathic treatments.

A detailed study of the foundational text of homeopathy, this course covers Dr. Samuel Hahnemann’s principles, philosophy, and guidelines on the practice of homeopathic medicine, offering insights into the original framework of the discipline.

Focusing on the in-depth study of homeopathic remedies, this course explores the characteristics, uses, and therapeutic effects of a wide range of medicines, helping students master the selection of appropriate treatments.

This course teaches the process of repertorization, where students learn how to systematically select the most similar remedy (similimum) for individual cases using homeopathic reference tools.

Students will develop skills in case analysis and differential diagnosis, learning to evaluate patient symptoms and conditions to select the correct homeopathic remedy.

This course explores the concept of miasms—underlying disease predispositions—and their impact on chronic illnesses. Students will study the various miasmatic classifications and their role in homeopathic treatment.

This course covers the application of homeopathy in emergency situations, acute and chronic conditions, and palliative care. Students will learn how to quickly assess and treat a range of health issues using homeopathic remedies.

Focusing on homeopathic treatments for various bodily systems and organs, this course provides specialized knowledge for selecting remedies to address issues related to the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, and other systems.

This course introduces students to the disease evolution table, teaching them how to classify and understand the progression of diseases, and apply homeopathic remedies at different stages of illness.

Students will learn about tissue salts, a subset of homeopathic remedies derived from essential minerals, and their role in maintaining cellular health and treating various conditions.

Focused on nosodes, this course teaches the preparation and use of homeopathic remedies derived from diseased tissue, exploring their application in immunization and disease prevention.

This course covers sarcodes, homeopathic remedies made from healthy tissues and organs, and their use in restoring and supporting organ function through homeopathic treatments.

Students will study various groups of homeopathic drugs, understanding their specific uses, therapeutic effects, and how they are categorized within homeopathic medicine.

This course covers isopathy and tautopathy, which involve using substances that cause symptoms of a disease to treat the same disease. Students will explore how these methods are applied within homeopathy.

Focusing on chronic diseases, this course explores the long-term application of homeopathic remedies, offering students strategies for managing and treating persistent health conditions over time.

Advanced Diploma in Homeopathy

Bio Quantum Academy

Career Pathway to Homeopathic Practitioner

Registration Platform

Canadian & American Board Certifications

Bio Quantum Academy is endorsed for the high standard education, ethics, code of conduct and professionalism by The Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners™ Canada EBNMP. Our graduates, upon completion of diploma programs Level I, Level II, Level III from the Bio Quantum Academy; are eligible to register with the EBNMP in order to become Board Certified Members in Canada and the United States and granting “Certification Titles includes: 

  • Doctorate of Natural Medicine® DNM® ©
  • Registered Naturotherapy Practitioner® RNP ®
  • Doctorate of Integrative Medicine© D.I.M.©
  • Registered Lifestyle Management Practitioner® R.L.M.P.®
  • Registered Nutritional Medicine Practitioner® R.N.M.P.®
  • Homeopathic Practitioner-HP ®

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