Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy

Homeopathy, The Curative Substance As Quantum Object Not Particle Part II & Part III

A Study of Homeopathy

Understanding the principles of Quantum Physics has brought light on understanding the concept of Homeopathy which explains the science of holistic healing. The link between Quantum Physics and Homeopathy exploring the concept of treating the Person not the Disease based on the Law of Holism. Homeopathic medicine is not placebo but carries medicinal property. If the other branches of science are deficient in understanding the science of Quantum Physics, they must stop conspiracy and making a wrong claim against homeopathy. Homeopathic medicine retains the original substance as nano-size particle in the form of Waves despite been highly diluted beyond Avogadro’s Number. Homeopathic medicine is an energized substance that activates the human body healing ability that the science of biology can detect the curing effect of it through internal biological functions and physiology of the endocrine pathways, and within the matrix and cells.

Science of Quantum Physics

 Quantum Physics is a baby was born from the mother classical physics. The field of Quantum Physics came to light in the late1800s and early 1900s from a series of experimental observations of atoms that did not make intuitive sense in the context of classical physics. Quantum Physics is considered the hardest part of physics to understand because systems with quantum behavior would act weird like water. Quantum objects don’t follow the rules of particles that we are used to detect based on biology and chemistry science. They are hard to see and hard to feel. They can have controversial features; they exist in several different states at the same time. They even change depending on whether they are observed or not such in:

Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Superposition, Quantum Tunneling, and Uncertainty Principles which is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic level. It is the foundation of all Quantum Physics including Quantum Chemistry, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Technology, and Quantum Information Science. Throughout my research, I acknowledged that among all the above Quantum Physics disciplines; Uncertainty Principles is a great piece of the puzzle to solve the mystery of homeopathy by explaining the Outcome Possibilities that describes: If we cannot observe, we cannot claim that does not exist.

Quantum Science may even reveal how everything in the universe or in multiple universes is connected to everything else through higher dimensions that our 5 senses cannot comprehend.

Uncertainty Principles formulated by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1927. Young Werner Heisenberg developed a key piece of quantum theory, the Uncertainty Principle, with profound implications. The Uncertainty principle states that we cannot know both the position and speed of a particle, such as a photon or electron, with perfect accuracy; the more we nail down the particle’s position, the less we know about its speed and vice versa.

Werner Heisenberg stated the Uncertainty principle is the consequence of dual behavior of matter and energy, and it is impossible to determine simultaneously, the exact position and exact momentum or velocity of an electron.

Uncertainty principle’s statement explains that the position and the velocity of an object cannot both be measured exactly, at the same time, even in theory.

First Piece of Puzzle by Werner Heisenberg, German Quantum Physicist has brought me acknowledgement and understanding during my research.

Second Piece of Puzzle by Neils Bohr, Danish Quantum Physicist has brought me scientific explanation and clarity by his convincing theory of Bohr’s Radius.

Ernest Rutherford, New Zealand Quantum Physicists was an associate with Neils Bohr on Bohr’s Radius to prove quantum objects.

Quantum physics explains how the way universe behaves at the scale of atoms, and subatomic scale as electrons and photons. Quantum Mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles which does not exist as a Particle but exist as a Wave. Generally, the knowledge of Quantum principles transformed the concept of atom, which consists of a nucleus surrounded by electrons. Early models in classical physics describes electrons as particles orbit the nucleus, much like the way satellites orbit Earth which is a Fixed Orbital. Modern Quantum Physics instead understands electrons as being distributed within orbitals, with the probability of the electrons’ existence in more than one location on different orbitals within a given range at any given time. Quantum Physics explains that electrons can jump from one orbital to another as they gain or lose energy, but they cannot be found between orbitals. Lower orbital, losing energy and higher orbital, gaining energy. That’s the reason, the science of biology, chemistry and even classical physics are not able to explain Homeopathy.

Other central concepts helped to establish the foundations of Quantum Physics, similar to Uncertainty Principles that is called Wave-Particle Duality. This principal goes back to the earliest days of Quantum Science or old Quantum Principle. It describes the outcomes of experiments that light and matter had the dual properties of particles or waves, depending on how they were measured.

Today based on Quantum Science evolution, we understand that these different forms of energy are neither particle nor wave. They are distinct Quantum Objects which are too small that classical physics cannot precisely describe their behavior and we cannot easily conceptualize. Quantum physicist Niels Bohr challenged Einstein and championed Quantum Theory. He argued that the mere act of indirectly observing the atomic realm changes the outcome of quantum interactions. According to Neils Bohr, quantum predictions based on probability, would accurately describe reality.

 Niels Bohr proposed a model of the atom in which the electron was able to occupy only certain orbits around the nucleus. This atomic model was the first to use quantum theory, that states, the electrons were limited to specific orbits around the nucleus.

Quantum Physics Bohr’s Model

In an atom, electrons are negatively charged and revolved around the positively charged nucleus in a definite circular path called Orbits or Shells. Each Orbit or Shell has a fixed energy and these circular orbits are known as Orbital Shells. This model presented by Niels Bohr and Ernest Rutherford in 1913, is a system consisting of a small dense nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons similar to the structure of the solar system, but with attraction provided by electrostatic forces in place of gravity. The Bohr Radius is a physical distant, approximately equal to the most probable distance between the nucleus and the electron in a hydrogen atom in its ground state. It is named after Niels Bohr, due to its role in the Bohr model of an atom. Its value is 5.29177210903×10⁻¹¹ m

Electrons revolve around the nucleus in stable orbits without emission of radiant energy. Each orbit has a definite energy and is called an Energy Shell or Energy Level. An orbit or energy level is designated as K, L, M, N shells. Negatively charged electrons orbits the positively charged nucleus in circular orbits forming electron shells. Electrons orbit at certain distances from nucleus depends on their energy level. Electrons gain energy to move to higher orbits or lose energy to drop to lower orbits, emitting photons. This is happening in all atoms in entire universe. Electrons orbit at certain distances from nucleus depends on their energy level.

The different energy levels or orbits are represented in two ways such as 1, 2, 3, 4 or K, L, M, N.

Changing in energy occurs when the electrons jump from one orbit or energy level to another. Therefore:

1st Orbit as K Shell can hold up 2 electrons

2nd Orbit as L Shell can hold up 8 electrons

3rd Orbit as M Shell can hold up to 18 electrons

4th Orbit as N Shell can hold up to 32 electrons

The Orbits continue to increase in a similar manner

Homeopathic medicine potency can be determined by the level of orbits and number of electrons. High potency homeopathic medicines have more orbits and more electrons than low potency homeopathic medicine.

Ground State. The Lowest Energy Level

The Ground State electron configuration is the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus of an atom with lowest energy levels.

The closer to the nucleus, the lower energy

The furthest from the nucleus, the higher energy

This can explain the main homeopathic principle: The more diluted, the more potent or energized

The electrons occupying the orbitals of varying energy levels naturally falls towards the Lowest Energy State or Ground State or State of Particle. 

State of Particle

Particle can only be measured at the Ground State. The further orbit from nucleus, the higher energy level, the bigger space, and more electrons configuration. The order of the electron orbital energy levels, starting from least to most as follows:

S=0, P=1, D=2, F=3

1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p

5F is the Grand State, The Lowest Energy Orbital

Above 5F is the Wave State, The Highest Energy Orbital

Higher Energy level. Bigger Orbital. More Electrons. Higher Potency. More Powerful

Explaining Homeopathic Dilutions

The further the orbit, the bigger the space and more electrons

Electron loses energy and moves from higher to lower energy shell.

Electron gains energy and moves from lower to higher energy.

This model explains potentized homeopathic medicine and homeopathic dilutions very well.

6CH, 9 CH, 12 CH are at the Ground State, the State of Particle

30 CH, 200 CH, 1M, 50 M, Further Dilutions are at the State of Wave

 At the Wave State, no particles can be detected. The more a biologically active substance is diluted, the more potent it becomes. The most powerful homeopathic medicine should be used carefully, because they do not even contain a single molecule of the original substance or trace of particle. They are vigorously energized and potentized. It is the foundation of all Quantum Physics including the preparation of Homeopathic Medicine. This occurs by taking a substance, the original material in its natural state through a process of potentization by double action of dilution and succussion. A substance is repeatedly diluted in water or alcohol in the ratio of 1:10, 1:100, 1:1000 parts or more dilution, and at each stage, the dilution is shaken vigorously, either by hand or machine. This mechanism of shaking changes the process from being merely a simple dilution to being an energetic vibrational enhancement. This is a method of liberating the “Essence of a Substance from its Original Material Form”.

The underlying homeopathic concept is that all things have an energetic vibration to them and potentization is a process of liberating and refining this essence.

Liberation Action: The more succussed substance, become more powerful.

Expansion Action: The more diluted substance, become more powerful.

Dual Action of Liberation and Expansion creates powerful Homeopathic Medicine.

Homeopathic Dilution Beyond Avogadro’s Number

Avogadro’s number, units in one mole of any substance (defined as its molecular weight in grams), equal to 6.023 × 1023. The units may be electrons, atoms, ions, or molecules, depending on the nature of the substance and the character of the reaction.

Homeopathic medicine is diluted beyond Avogadro’s Number which is called Excited State.

At the Grand State, we can detect Particle but above the Avogadro’s number at the Excited States, we can only detect Waves not Particles.

Science of Water, A Piece of the Puzzle to Understand Homeopathy

Science of Water has proved that the water has memory and carries information of original substance. Water behaves differently according the way is programmed, energized or charged. No life can exist without water. In fact, we are over 70% water ourselves, and we use water everyday but water is not just a simple but an intelligent substance.

In fact, water itself is quite a “deep subject” and its importance to good health which should not be overlooked. Recent studies about water only serve to point out that we really don’t know much about the compound itself. For example, scientists have discovered that the water molecule has a north and south pole in a fashion similar to a magnet. This means that water molecules can store information much like magnetic tape. Biophysics has shown that when a solution is heavily diluted, the electromagnetic field of the original solution can still be measured in the new solution. The energy field of both the original and the diluted solution can be photographed. With respect to energy levels, this proves that water stores information. This information is then shared among all living things which come in contact with the water. Biology science, chemistry science, classical physics are not able to detect and explain how particles become waves through dilution but Quantum physics explains it clearly. Through dynamization, original substances make an imprint on the water molecules as information, and that allows the water itself to carry the medicinal power of the original substance, even though there is no trace of original substance as particle. Special water properties permit Hydrophobic Interaction, and water molecules go with biological compounds keeping their imprinted information during homeopathic dynamization can reach a cellular receptor and trigger specific responses in cells.

 My research on the science of water, Quantum physics and science of homeopathy has clearly explained to me the most characteristic and controversial principle of homeopathy that the potency of a remedy can be enhanced by dilution, in a procedure known as Dynamization or Potentization.


High potency homeopathic medicine above 30 CH functions at the higher energy level above the 5F Orbital. This is the Wave or Quantum objects state.

Higher dilutions, Higher orbitals: 5G, 6F, 6G, 6H, 7D, 7F, 7G, 7H, 7L

Low diluted homeopathic medicine lower 12 CH functions at the low energy level at 5F and below. This is Particle or Ground state

Lower dilutions, Lower orbitals: 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p

According to the Principle of resonance, Principle of Non-Locality, Uncertainty Principle, Holographic Principle, Laws and Principles of Homeopathy, the original medicinal properties are sustained in the medicine no matter the level of dilutions.

Homeopathic medicines are gentle, safe, effective, healing and curative delivering permeant result. I have been practicing and teaching homeopathy over two decades, treating and educating thousands of people around the world with excellency and mgreat success.

A complete research done by Dr. Parvin Zarrin, Head of Homeopathy Department at the Bio Quantum Academy.

Article By

Dr.Parvin Zarrin

Homeopath and Integrative Medicine practitioner

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