Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy

Homeopathy Curative Substance as a Wave or Quantum Object not a Particle I

A Study of Homeopathy

A Curative Substance as a Wave or Quantum Object Not a Particle

Homeopathy is not Placebo but a powerful healing medicine which activates the human body healing ability to cure itself. Understanding of homeopathy requires a fundamental understanding of the science of water, the universal solvent for homeopathic medicine and the Hydrogen Ion capability of storing tremendous amounts of memory. How water behaves in human body when it is programmed and energized would explain how energized homeopathic medicine works within the human body. Scientific researchers have continuously credited water for its intelligence, capability of tremendous amounts of memory and messaging capacity to explain many unsolved mysteries throughout the history of mankind. Physical and chemical phenomena from genetic functions to intercellular communications and pathways in human have been relying on water structuring. Science of biology and chemistry are not able to explain the water function at the subatomic level, they can only explain it at the chemical composition, biological and physiological functions.

Science of homeopathy, also requires a fundamental understanding of the science of Quantum Physics at the subatomic level not at the level of molecule and atom that is explained by the Classical Physics.

Understanding of Homeopathy requires the fundamental understanding of its history, philosophy, concept, laws and principles, the concept of similar to the disease, not the concept of contrary to the disease. Medicinal property of homeopathic medicine are not measured as Particles but as Waves or Quantum Objects. The curative, safety and efficacy of homeopathic medicine is proven worldwide. Homeopathic medicine works as a “Subtle inoculation” in homeopathic form not a “Physical vaccination” in allopathic form. No phenomenon can be explained at the subatomic level by the science of biology, chemistry, or even classical physics.

 At the subatomic level, phenomenon can only be explained by the Quantum Physics which is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, to understand how the universe behaves as a whole.

Science of Classical Physics studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. Physics deals with the structure of matter and how the fundamental constituents of the universe interact. In a broader spectrum, physics studies objects ranging from the very small at the subatomic level using Quantum Mechanics to the entire universe using General Relativity.

Classical Physics’s disciplines explains allopathic model, the Concept of Opposite: Materialism (separate organs work together as a machine), Reductionism (taking apart and reassemble parts to see how they work together) and Determinism (replacing a diseased part or organ with a new one), but classical physics can not explain the Concept of Similar in Homeopathy. What can explain homeopathy?

Quantum Physics is a baby was born from the mother Classical Physics. The field of Quantum Physics came to light in the late1800s and early 1900s from a series of experimental observations of atoms that did not make intuitive sense in the context of Classical Physic.

 Quantum Physics is considered the hardest part of physics to comprehend and explain. Systems with quantum behavior don’t follow the rules that we are used to see based on Biology and Chemistry sciences. They are hard to see and hard to feel, and they can even have controversial features. They can exist in several different states at the same time. They even change depending on whether they are observed or not, such in Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Superposition, Quantum Tunneling, and Uncertainty Principles. 

Science of Quantum Physics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic level as electrons and photons, and It is the foundation of Quantum Chemistry, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Technology, and Quantum Information Science. Quantum Entanglement. Quantum Superposition. Quantum Tunneling and Uncertainty Principles.

Qunatum physics explains the way that the univers behaves at the atomic and subatomic scales as electrons and photons. it is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a clear discription of the physical properties of nature at the subatomic scale that does not exist as a particle but exists as a wave. 

Through my years of intensive research to understand the Science of Homeopathy, among all the above Quantum Physics disciplines; the Uncertainty Principles (Outcome Possibilities) has clearly explained Homeopathy to me which was a great piece of the puzzle. Homeopathy is not a mystery but pure science and art.

Proving the function of homeopathy through understanding the science of Quantum physics has been the focus of my research. 

Department of Homeopathy at the Bio Quantum Academy offers International Diploma in Classical Homeopathy and Medical Homeopathy which includes comprehensive homeopathic courses on the Science and Art of Homeopathy.

By Dr. Parvin Zarrin, Head of Department of Homeopathy at the Bio Quantum Academy.

Article By

Dr.Parvin Zarrin

International Homeopath and Integrative Medicine practitioner

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