Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy

Bio Quantum Academy

Forefront of Integrative Medicine

Introduction to

Core Principles of Homeopathy

Core Principles of Homeopathy

Bio Quantum Academy

27th September 2024 - 10 to 2 PM EST

Registration Platform

About The Webinar Instructor

Dr. Parvin Zarrin

Ph.D., DHMS. DNM. B.Sc.

Dr. Parvin Zarrin is one of the world eminent homeopaths and integrative medicine practitioners who has been practicing in Canada and internationally for over 20 years. She is an experienced international homeopath. She is Canadina Board certified, granted the Certification Title Doctorate in Natural Medicine-DNM.

She has a degree  Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, PhD in Philosophy of  Integrative, degree in Nutritional Sciences,  Honor Diploma in Medical Aesthetics specializing in Anti-Aging and skin disorders in Canada. She has been awarded an Order of Excellence for her homeopathic PhD research on obesity and weight loss. Dr. Zarrin received certificates of achievement in Homeopathic Exchange of Knowledge from Kothen-Anhalt, Germany.

What You Will Learn

Bio Quantum Academy Workshops
Homeopathic Prescription
Case Taking
Laws of
Theory of
Chronic Disease
Art & Science of
Homeopathic Kingdoms
History of Homeopathy
Homeopathic Treatments

Bio Quantum academy

Certification Webinar


Receiving Certification from the Canada’s

Top Homeopathy & Integrative Medicine Academy

Core Principles of Homeopathy

Bio Quantum Academy

27th September 2024 - 10 to 2 PM EST

Registration Platform

Core Principles

Presented by Department of Classical Homeopathy , Bio Quantum Academy

Full Homeopathic Webinar Outline

  1. Homeopathy Core Principles is a through and in depth introduction to the  

History, Science, Philosophy, Concept,  Laws, Principles, Function,  Preparation, Dosage, Potency, Repetition, Prescription 

Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine and Homeopathic Philosophy

Introduction: This is a crucial subject that strengthens the conceptual foundation of a homeopath. It exemplifies the ideas that, when put into practice, allow the practitioner to get results that he can rationally justify and reproduce with higher competence. The focus of this course is to build a conceptual foundation. The complete rational system of medicine known as homoeopathy should be introduced for its holistic, individualistic, and dynamic approach to life, health, disease, remedy, and cure.

Homeopathy Courses Outlines: 

  1. 7 cardinal principles of homeopathy
  2. Structure of Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine- 6th edition
  3. Classification of diseases
  4. Concept of susceptibility and miasms
  5. Concept of individualization and vital force
  6. Homeopathic case taking
  7. Cure, relief, and palliation- the homeopathic perspectives
  8. First prescription, second prescription, remedy reaction- Kent’s 12 observations
  9. Diet, regimen, and ancillary measures in the homeopathic management

This module will cover Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine and important cardinal principles of Homeopathy as follows:Law of Similar

  1. Law of Simplex
  2. Law of Minimum
  3. Doctrine of Drug Proving
  4. Theory of Chronic Disease
  5. Theory of Vital Force
  6. Doctrine of Drug Dynamization


The above principles will be integrated with the current modern trends in Medicine so that the learners will be able to grasp the concepts thoroughly.

This module will focus on important concepts that are very important when it comes to homeopathic prescriptions. The concepts focused on would be Health, Disease, Susceptibility, Vital force and Miasms.

The names of diseases essentially remain the same when it comes to modern medicine, but in this module diseases from a homeopathic angle will be focused. Disease Classification, origin and measures of treatment along with the concept of Individualization will be taught in this section.

After a thorough grasp of the basics of Homeopathy, learners will be introduced to various concepts like cure, relief and palliation. They will be introduced to the first and second prescriptions, remedy reactions and different observations that come across while dealing with homeopathic treatment.


In this module short case studies along with case taking covering the important concepts will be demonstrated. These case studies will create a foundation on how homeopaths practice and prescribe homeopathic medicines. 

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