Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy

Nosodes & Homeopathic Immunization Courses


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Professional Diploma in Nosodes

by Bio Quantum Academy, Canada

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Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

Course Instructor

Dr. Parvin Zarrin is one of the world eminent homeopaths (Ontario province in Canada is excluded) and integrative medicine practitioners who has been practicing in Canada and internationally for over 20 years. She has a degree in Nutritional Sciences (B.Sc.), Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine from Canada. 

Dr. Parvin Zarrin

Course Overview

The homeopathic nosodes derived from disease tissue or organ, and can be used for treating residual infections such as Bacillinum for tuberculosis, Medorrhinum for gonorrhea, Psorinum for skin disorders or  used a prophylactic such as Influenzium for swine flu, or immunization to strengthen and fortify immune system for all ages. Organotherapy is the treatment of disease with extracts from healthy organs, glands, and tissue to activate internal glandular, and are used to help rebuild organs and tissues that may be diseased or malfunctioning such as lymph, spleen, pancreas, hypothalamus, pituitary, etc. 

Homeopathy is a scientific medical art. It is a natural system of medicine that treats all kinds of imbalances, internal disharmony, and illnesses. It is a powerful system of medicine which works with the energy of life and produces genuine long-term cures in all kind of diseases. Homeopathic medicine is based on holistic principles, which means that the medicines treat the person not the disease. This approach does not just treat single symptoms but removes the disease from the root by addressing and removing the underlying causes of disease. 

Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

Graduate With Bio Quantum Academy Professional Certificate

Levels and Modules

Nosodes Level

Course Presented by Department of Homeopathy , Bio Quantum Academy

 Nosodes Level I  course is a through and in depth introduction to the history, science, concept, philosophy, function, laws, principles, preparation, dosage, potency and prescription of homeopathic sarcode and nosode remedies. Organotherapy & Nosode Level I is required to fundamentally understand how these homeopathic remedies work and how they should correctly be applied alone or integrated with the homeopathic and homotoxicology medicines to treat major health conditions. This certification course is counted towards diploma programs which are offered from various departments at the academy.

Nosode Level ll

Course Presented by Department of Homeopathy , Bio Quantum Academy

 Nosode Level II course is about learning single and combine nosode homeopathic remedies,  case management, case analysis, differential diagnosis, immunization,  selecting correct potency and dosage for acute, semi-chronic, chronic, advanced phases according to the evolution of disease table. Nosode Level II is a certification course and is used towards all diploma programs which are offered by various departments at the academy

Nosode Level lll

Course Presented by Department of Homeopathy , Bio Quantum Academy

 Nosode Level III is a deep study into pathology, and learning deeper about selecting these specific homeopathic remedies for organs and systems pathology. Selecting them for digestive, respiratory, reproductive, hepatic, renal, circulatory, lymphatic, central and peripheral nervous system, selecting remedies for cutaneous, and muscle-skeleton. Nosode Level III course provides vast amount of knowledge for prescribing correct remedies for specific pathology. This course is highly recommended to all medical practitioners. Nosode Level III certification course is counted towards diploma programs that are offered by various departments at the academy.

Course Instructor

Dr.Parvin Zarrin

Dr. Parvin Zarrin is one of the world eminent homeopaths and integrative medicine practitioners who has been practicing in Canada and internationally for over 20 years. She has a degree in Nutritional Sciences (B.Sc.), Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine from Canada …

Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

The homeopathic nosodes derived from disease tissue or organ, and can be used for treating residual infections such as Bacillinum for tuberculosis, Medorrhinum for gonorrhea, Psorinum for skin disorders or  used a prophylactic such as Influenzium for swine flu, or immunization to strengthen and fortify immune system for all ages. Organotherapy is the treatment of disease with extracts from healthy organs, glands, and tissue to activate internal glandular, and are used to help rebuild organs and tissues that may be diseased or malfunctioning such as lymph, spleen, pancreas, hypothalamus, pituitary, etc. 

Homeopathy is a scientific medical art. It is a natural system of medicine that treats all kinds of imbalances, internal disharmony, and illnesses. It is a powerful system of medicine which works with the energy of life and produces genuine long-term cures in all kind of diseases. Homeopathic medicine is based on holistic principles, which means that the medicines treat the person not the disease. This approach does not just treat single symptoms but removes the disease from the root by addressing and removing the underlying causes of disease.

Nosode Immunization Level I

Course Presented
by Department of Homeopathy
Bio Quantum Academy

Nosodes Level I  course is a through and in depth introduction to the history, science, concept, philosophy, function, laws, principles, preparation, dosage, potency and prescription of homeopathic sarcode and nosode remedies. Organotherapy & Nosode Level I is required to fundamentally understand how these homeopathic remedies work and how they should correctly be applied alone or integrated with the homeopathic and homotoxicology medicines to treat major health conditions. This certification course is counted towards diploma programs which are offered from various departments at the academy.

Nosode Immunization Level 2

Course Presented
by Department of Homeopathy
Bio Quantum Academy

Nosode Level II course is about learning single and combine nosode homeopathic remedies,  case management, case analysis, differential diagnosis, immunization,  selecting correct potency and dosage for acute, semi-chronic, chronic, advanced phases according to the evolution of disease table. Nosode Level II is a certification course and is used towards all diploma programs which are offered by various departments at the academy

Nosode Immunization Level 3

Course Presented
by Department of Homeopathy
Bio Quantum Academy

Nosode Level III is a deep study into pathology, and learning deeper about selecting these specific homeopathic remedies for organs and systems pathology. Selecting them for digestive, respiratory, reproductive, hepatic, renal, circulatory, lymphatic, central and peripheral nervous system, selecting remedies for cutaneous, and muscle-skeleton. Nosode Level III course provides vast amount of knowledge for prescribing correct remedies for specific pathology. This course is highly recommended to all medical practitioners. Nosode Level III certification course is counted towards diploma programs that are offered by various departments at the academy.

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