Bio Quantum Academy
Bio Quantum Academy

Anti-Aging Drainage & Detoxification

Course Instructor

Dr. Parvin Zarrin is one of the world eminent homeopaths and integrative medicine practitioners who has been practicing in Canada and internationally for over 20 years. She has a degree in Nutritional Sciences (B.Sc.), Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine from Canada …

Dr.Parvin Zarrin

Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

Course I: Endogenous (Internal Toxins) & Exogenous (External Toxins)

Course Presented by Department of Bio Cosmetology , Bio Quantum Academy

Modern living has become equal to unnatural living. We are living in the world of toxins with constant exposure to thousands of harmful chemicals which are officially registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These toxins are in the air, in food, in water, in unnatural cosmetics and hygiene products, in household cleaning products that people use on a daily basis in high amount plus the consumption of long-term chemical synthetic medications and repeated artificial inoculation from day one at birth. Electromagnetic excess interferes with the human natural electromagnetic field that can affect homeostasis and equilibrium. Constant unnecessary stress and distress of lifestyle. 75% of your physical body contains water. Two third of your physical life is water. Imagine 2/3 of your life is intoxicated and polluted. It means the most fundamental aspect of the physical body is intoxicated. That’s why water can throw tantrum toward you by making you feel unwell. The other 25% of physical body is receiving all essential nutrients and fuel by the 75% of water which is intoxicated

Course I: Study of how to detoxify your internal from toxins to restore health.

Course II: Physiological and Biological Function of Toxins

Course Presented by Department of Bio Cosmetology , Bio Quantum Academy

Toxins have negative charges or polarity that interferes with the pathways of ion exchange and creates electrolytic imbalance. Toxins bind to your proteins, lipids and nucleic acids (deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid), causing changes in calcium and mineral balance and ultimately cellular damage. Chemicals weaken the immune system greatly, and the danger can go down to the DNA level. Toxin is considered an antigen or non-self to your body and your immune system is always guarded in order to mount immunological responses against them. Your immune system overworks, gradually become compromised and leads to auto-immunity and malignancy such as cancer. If the genetic alterations at the DNA level are not address on a timely manner, they can lead to cells mutation, degenerative conditions, and premature death. The percentages of flow of energy are in direct correlation to the percentage of toxic substances that are built in the body. Therefore, the more toxins, the less energy flow.

Course II: Study of how toxins can damage cells and cause DNA mutation  


Course III: Toxin Functions as an Antigen.
Cellular Detoxification & Drainage

Course Presented by Department of Bio Cosmetology , Bio Quantum Academy

Toxins block the flow of energy through the meridian of the body and interrupt energy flow in the body and effect the entire body’s biological functions. Toxins affect the body’s homeostasis, acid-alkaline PH balance, and acidify the cells and create acidosis in the body. Chronic diseases are created in acidic PH levels, such as gout or uric acid in the joints, causing inflammation and pain in the blocked pathways. Chemicals weaken the immune system greatly, and the danger can go down to the DNA level. Toxin is considered an antigen or non-self to your body, and your immune system is always guarded to them and constantly mounts immunological responses against them. Toxins are not pathogens, so there is no need for antibody to kill them but your immune system still reacts, defends, overworks, gradually becomes compromised and leads to auto-immunity, neurological disorders, mental disorders, endocrine system diseases, cancer and many more.

Course III: Study of immunological responses due to toxins, causing auto-immunity and malignancy such as cancer. Study of cellular detoxification and drainage by homeopathic and integrative medicines. 

Course Instructor

Dr.Parvin Zarrin

Dr. Parvin Zarrin is one of the world eminent homeopaths and integrative medicine practitioners who has been practicing in Canada and internationally for over 20 years. She has a degree in Nutritional Sciences (B.Sc.), Diploma in Classical Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine from Canada …

Bio Quantum Academy Specialized Individual Course

With Professionl Certificate

Course I: Endogenous (Internal Toxins) & Exogenous (External Toxins)

Course Presented
by Department of Bio Cosmetology
Bio Quantum Academy

Modern living has become equal to unnatural living. We are living in the world of toxins with constant exposure to thousands of harmful chemicals which are officially registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These toxins are in the air, in food, in water, in unnatural cosmetics and hygiene products, in household cleaning products that people use on a daily basis in high amount plus the consumption of long-term chemical synthetic medications and repeated artificial inoculation from day one at birth. Electromagnetic excess interferes with the human natural electromagnetic field that can affect homeostasis and equilibrium. Constant unnecessary stress and distress of lifestyle. 75% of your physical body contains water. Two third of your physical life is water. Imagine 2/3 of your life is intoxicated and polluted. It means the most fundamental aspect of the physical body is intoxicated. That’s why water can throw tantrum toward you by making you feel unwell. The other 25% of physical body is receiving all essential nutrients and fuel by the 75% of water which is intoxicated. This course teaches how to detoxify this portion to restore health.

Course II: Physiological and Biological Function of Toxins

Course Presented
by Department of Bio Cosmetology
Bio Quantum Academy

Toxins have negative charges or polarity that interferes with the pathways of ion exchange and creates electrolytic imbalance. Toxins bind to your proteins, lipids and nucleic acids (deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid), causing changes in calcium and mineral balance and ultimately cellular damage. Chemicals weaken the immune system greatly, and the danger can go down to the DNA level. Toxin is considered an antigen or non-self to your body and your immune system is always guarded in order to mount immunological responses against them. Your immune system overworks, gradually become compromised and leads to auto-immunity and malignancy such as cancer. If the genetic alterations at the DNA level are not address on a timely manner, they can lead to cells mutation, degenerative conditions, and premature death. The percentages of flow of energy are in direct correlation to the percentage of toxic substances that are built in the body. Therefore, the more toxins, the less energy flow.

Course III: Toxin functions as an Antigen and falsely trigger Antibody production

Course Presented
by Department of Bio Cosmetology
Bio Quantum Academy

Toxins block the flow of energy through the meridian of the body and interrupt energy flow in the body and effect the entire body’s biological functions. Toxins affect the body’s homeostasis, acid-alkaline PH balance, and acidify the cells and create acidosis in the body. Chronic diseases are created in acidic PH levels, such as gout or uric acid in the joints, causing inflammation and pain in the blocked pathways. Chemicals weaken the immune system greatly, and the danger can go down to the DNA level. Toxin is considered an antigen or non-self to your body, and your immune system is always guarded to them and constantly mounts immunological responses against them. Toxins are not pathogens, so there is no need for antibody to kill them but your immune system still reacts, defends, overworks, gradually becomes compromised and leads to auto-immunity, neurological disorders, mental disorders, endocrine system diseases, cancer and many more.

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